Customizing Row Separators¶
In most cases, a carriage return character is used as the row delimiter in Hive tables stored in text files, that is, the carriage return character is used as the terminator of a row during queries. However, some data files are delimited by special characters, and not a carriage return character.
MRS Hive allows you to use different characters or character combinations to delimit rows of Hive text data. When creating a table, set inputformat to SpecifiedDelimiterInputFormat, and set the following parameter before search each time. Then the table data is queried by the specified delimiter.
set hive.textinput.record.delimiter='';
The Hue component of the current version does not support the configuration of multiple separators when files are imported to a Hive table.
Specify inputFormat and outputFormat when creating a table.
CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [ROW FORMAT row_format] STORED AS inputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.fileformat.SpecifiedDelimiterInputFormat' outputformat ''
Specify the delimiter before search.
set hive.textinput.record.delimiter='!@!'
Hive will use '!@!' as the row delimiter.