Adding and Executing a Job¶
This API is used to add and submit a job in an MRS cluster.
If Kerberos authentication is enabled for a cluster, on the Dashboard tab page of the cluster details page, click Click to synchronize on the right side of IAM User Sync to synchronize IAM users, and then submit a job through this API.
POST /v2/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/job-executions
Parameter description
Table 1 URI parameter description¶ Parameter
Project ID. For details on how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID.
Cluster ID. For details on how to obtain the cluster ID, see Obtaining a Cluster ID.
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
job_type | Yes | String | Type of a job.
Note Spark, Hive, and Flink jobs can be added to only clusters that include Spark, Hive, and Flink components. |
job_name | Yes | String | Job name. It contains 1 to 64 characters. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed. Note Identical job names are allowed but not recommended. |
arguments | No | Array | Key parameter for program execution. The parameter is specified by the function of the user's program. MRS is only responsible for loading the parameter. The parameter contains a maximum of 4,096 characters, excluding special characters such as Note
properties | No | Object | Program system parameter. The parameter contains a maximum of 2,048 characters, excluding special characters such as |
Parameter | Type | Description |
job_submit_result | Object | Job execution result |
job_id | String | Job ID |
state | String | Job submission status.
error_msg | String | Error message |
error_code | String | Error code |
Example request
The following is an example of an MapReduce job request:
{ "job_name":"MapReduceTest", "job_type":"MapReduce", "arguments":[ "obs://obs-test/program/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-x.x.x.jar", "wordcount", "obs://obs-test/input/", "obs://obs-test/job/mapreduce/output" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a SparkSubmit job request:
{ "job_name":"SparkSubmitTest", "job_type":"SparkSubmit", "arguments":[ "--master", "yarn", "--deploy-mode", "cluster", "--py-files", "obs://obs-test/", "--conf", "spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYTHONPATH=/tmp:$PYTHONPATH", "--conf", "", "--conf", "", "--properties-file", "obs://obs-test/test-spark.conf", "obs://obs-test/", "100000" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a HiveScript job request:
{ "job_name":"HiveScriptTest", "job_type":"HiveScript", "arguments":[ "obs://obs-test/sql/test_script.sql" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a HiveSQL job request:
{ "job_name":"HiveSqlTest", "job_type":"HiveSql", "arguments":[ "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS src_wordcount;create external table src_wordcount(line string);insert into src_wordcount values('v1')" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a DistCp job request:
{ "job_name":"DistCpTest", "job_type":"DistCp", "arguments":[ "obs://obs-test/DistcpJob/", "/user/test/sparksql/" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a SparkScript job request:
{ "job_name":"SparkScriptTest", "job_type":"SparkScript", "arguments":[ "op-key1", "op-value1", "op-key2", "op-value2", "obs://obs-test/sql/test_script.sql" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a SparkSQL job request:
{ "job_name":"SparkSqlTest", "job_type":"SparkSql", "arguments":[ "op-key1", "op-value1", "op-key2", "op-value2", "create table student_info3 (id string,name string,gender string,age int,addr string);" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
The following is an example of a Flink job request:
{ "job_name":"FlinkTest", "job_type":"Flink", "arguments":[ "run", "-d", "-ynm", "testExcutorejobhdfsbatch", "-m", "yarn-cluster", "hdfs://test/examples/batch/WordCount.jar" ], "properties":{ "fs.obs.endpoint":"obs endpoint", "fs.obs.access.key":"xxx", "fs.obs.secret.key":"yyy" } }
Example response
Example of a successful response
{ "job_submit_result":{ "job_id":"44b37a20-ffe8-42b1-b42b-78a5978d7e40", "state":"COMPLETE" } }
Example of a failed response
{ "error_msg": Hive jobs cannot be submitted. "error_code":"0168" }
Status Code¶
For details about status codes, see Status Codes.