Querying a Cluster List¶
This API is used to query a list of clusters created by a user. This API is incompatible with Sahara.
GET /v1.1/{project_id}/cluster_infos?pageSize={page_size}¤tPage={current_page}&clusterState={cluster_state}&tags={tags}
Parameter description
Table 1 URI parameter description¶ Parameter
Project ID. For details on how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID.
Maximum number of clusters displayed on a page
Value range: 1 to 2147483646
Current page number
You can query a cluster list by cluster status.
starting: Query a list of clusters that are being started.
running: Query a list of running clusters.
terminated: Query a list of terminated clusters.
failed: Query a list of failed clusters.
abnormal: Query a list of abnormal clusters.
terminating: Query a list of clusters that are being terminated.
frozen: Query a list of frozen clusters.
scaling-out: Query a list of clusters that are being scaled out.
scaling-in: Query a list of clusters that are being scaled in.
You can search for a cluster by its tag. If you specify multiple tags, the relationship between them is AND.
The format of the tags parameter is tags=k1*v1,k2*v2,k3*v3.
When the values of some tags are null, the format is tags=k1,k2,k3*v3.
Parameter | Type | Description |
clusterTotal | String | Total number of clusters in a list |
clusters | Array | Cluster parameters. For details, see Table 3. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
clusterId | String | Cluster ID. |
clusterName | String | Cluster name. |
masterNodeNum | String | Number of Master nodes deployed in a cluster. |
coreNodeNum | String | Number of Core nodes deployed in a cluster. |
totalNodeNum | String | Total number of nodes deployed in a cluster. |
clusterState | String | Cluster status. Valid values include:
createAt | String | Cluster creation time, which is a 10-bit timestamp. |
updateAt | String | Cluster update time, which is a 10-bit timestamp. |
billingType | String | Cluster billing mode. |
dataCenter | String | Cluster work region. |
vpc | String | VPC name. |
fee | String | Cluster creation fee, which is automatically calculated. |
hadoopVersion | String | Hadoop version. |
masterNodeSize | String | Instance specifications of a Master node. |
coreNodeSize | String | Instance specifications of a Core node. |
componentList | Array | Component list. For details, see Table 4. |
externalIp | String | External IP address. |
externalAlternateIp | String | Backup external IP address. |
internalIp | String | Internal IP address. |
deploymentId | String | Cluster deployment ID. |
remark | String | Cluster remarks. |
orderId | String | Cluster creation order ID. |
azId | String | AZ ID. |
masterNodeProductId | String | Product ID of a Master node. |
masterNodeSpecId | String | Specification ID of a Master node. |
coreNodeProductId | String | Product ID of a Core node. |
coreNodeSpecId | String | Specification ID of a Core node. |
azName | String | AZ name. |
instanceId | String | Instance ID. |
vnc | String | URI for remotely logging in to an ECS. |
tenantId | String | Project ID. |
volumeSize | Integer | Disk storage space. |
volumeType | String | Disk type. |
subnetId | String | Subnet ID. |
clusterType | String | Cluster type. |
subnetName | String | Subnet name. |
securityGroupsId | String | Security group ID. |
slaveSecurityGroupsId | String | Security group ID of a non-Master node. Currently, one MRS cluster uses only one security group. Therefore, this field has been discarded. |
stageDesc | String | Cluster operation progress description. The cluster installation progress includes:
The cluster scale-out progress includes:
The cluster scale-in progress includes:
If the cluster installation, scale-out, or scale-in fails, stageDesc will display the failure cause. For details, see Table 8. |
mrsManagerFinish | boolean | Whether MRS Manager installation is finished during cluster creation.
safeMode | String | Running mode of an MRS cluster.
clusterVersion | String | Cluster version. |
nodePublicCertName | String | Name of the key file. |
masterNodeIp | String | IP address of a Master node. |
privateIpFirst | String | Preferred private IP address. |
errorInfo | String | Error message. |
chargingStartTime | String | Start time of billing. |
logCollection | Integer | Whether to collect logs when cluster installation fails.
taskNodeGroups | List<NodeGroup> | List of Task nodes. For more parameter description, see Table 5. |
nodeGroups | List<NodeGroup> | List of Master, Core and Task nodes. For more parameter description, see Table 5. |
masterDataVolumeType | String | Data disk storage type of the Master node. Currently, SATA, SAS and SSD are supported. |
masterDataVolumeSize | Integer | Data disk storage space of the Master node To increase data storage capacity, you can add disks at the same time when creating a cluster. Value range: 100 GB to 32,000 GB |
masterDataVolumeCount | Integer | Number of data disks of the Master node The value can be set to 1 only. |
coreDataVolumeType | String | Data disk storage type of the Core node. Currently, SATA, SAS and SSD are supported. |
coreDataVolumeSize | Integer | Data disk storage space of the Core node. To increase data storage capacity, you can add disks at the same time when creating a cluster. Value range: 100 GB to 32,000 GB |
coreDataVolumeCount | Integer | Number of data disks of the Core node. Value range: 1 to 10 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
componentId | String | Component ID:
For example, the component_id of Hadoop is MRS 3.2.0-LTS.2_001. |
componentName | String | Component name |
componentVersion | String | Component version |
componentDesc | String | Component description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
groupName | String | Node group name |
nodeNum | Integer | Number of nodes. The value ranges from 0 to 500. The minimum number of Master and Core nodes is 1 and the total number of Core and Task nodes cannot exceed 500. |
nodeSize | String | Instance specifications of a node |
nodeSpecId | String | Instance specification ID of a node |
nodeProductId | String | Instance product ID of a node |
vmProductId | String | VM product ID of a node |
vmSpecCode | String | VM specifications of a node |
rootVolumeSize | Integer | System disk size of a node. This parameter is not configurable |
rootVolumeProductId | String | System disk product ID of a node |
rootVolumeType | String | System disk type of a node |
rootVolumeResourceSpecCode | String | System disk product specifications of a node |
rootVolumeResourceType | String | System disk product type of a node |
dataVolumeType | String | Data disk storage type of a node. Currently, SATA, SAS and SSD are supported.
dataVolumeCount | Integer | Number of data disks of a node |
dataVolumeSize | String | Data disk storage space of a node |
dataVolumeProductId | String | Data disk product ID of a node |
dataVolumeResourceSpecCode | String | Data disk product specifications of a node |
dataVolumeResourceType | String | Data disk product type of a node |
Example request
Example response
Status Code¶
Table 6 describes the status code of this API.
Status Code | Description |
200 | The cluster list information has been successfully queried. |
For the description about error status codes, see Status Codes.