How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?


With the increase of network I/O bandwidth, a single vCPU cannot meet the requirement of processing NIC interruptions. NIC multi-queue allows multiple vCPUs to process NIC interruptions, thereby improving network PPS and I/O performance.

ECSs Supporting NIC Multi-Queue

NIC multi-queue can be enabled on an ECS only when the ECS specifications, virtualization type, and image meet the requirements described in this section.

  • For details about the ECS flavors that support NIC multi-queue, see section "Instances" in Elastic Cloud Server User Guide.


    If the number of NIC queues is greater than 1, NIC multi-queue is supported.

  • Only KVM ECSs support NIC multi-queue.

  • The Linux public images listed in Table 1 support NIC multi-queue.


    • Windows public images have not supported NIC multi-queue. If you enable NIC multi-queue for a Windows public image, starting an ECS created using such an image may be slow.

    • You are advised to upgrade the kernel version of Linux ECSs to 2.6.35 or later. Otherwise, NIC multi-queue is not supported.

      Run the uname -r command to check the kernel version. If the version is earlier than 2.6.35, contact technical support to upgrade it.

Table 1 KVM ECSs that support NIC multi-queue



Supported By


Windows Server 2008 WEB R2 64bit

Private images

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise 64bit

Private images

Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard/Datacenter 64bit

Private images

Windows Server 2016 Standard/Datacenter 64bit

Private images


Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 Server 64bit

Public images

openSUSE 42.2 64bit

Public images

SUSE Enterprise 12 SP1/SP2 64bit

Public images

CentOS 6.8/6.9/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/7.5/7.6 64bit

Public images

Debian 8.0.0/8.8.0/8.9.0/9.0.0 64bit

Public images

Fedora 24/25 64bit

Public images

EulerOS 2.2 64bit

Public images

Operation Instructions

Assume that an ECS has the required specifications and virtualization type.

Register the External Image File as a Private Image

Register the external image file as a private image. For details, see Registering an External Image File as a Private Image.

Set NIC Multi-Queue for the Image

Windows OSs have not commercially supported NIC multi-queue. If you enable NIC multi-queue for a Windows image, starting an ECS created using such an image may be slow.

Use either of the following methods to set NIC multi-queue.

Method 1:

  1. Access the IMS console.

    1. Log in to the management console.

    2. Under Computing, click Image Management Service.

      The IMS console is displayed.

  2. On the displayed Private Images page, locate the row that contains the target image and click Modify in the Operation column.

  3. Set NIC multi-queue for the image.

Method 2:

  1. Access the IMS console.

    1. Log in to the management console.

    2. Under Computing, click Image Management Service.

      The IMS console is displayed.

  2. On the displayed Private Images page, click the name of the target image.

  3. In the upper right corner of the displayed image details page, click Modify. In the displayed Modify Image dialog box, set NIC multi-queue for the image.

Method 3: Add hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled to the image using an API.

  1. Obtain a token. For details, see Token Authentication.

  2. Call an API to update image information. For details, see "Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)" in Image Management Service API Reference.

  3. Add X-Auth-Token to the request header.

    The value of X-Auth-Token is the token obtained in step 1.

  4. Add Content-Type to the request header.

    The value of Content-Type is application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch.

    The request URI is in the following format:

    PATCH /v2/images/{image_id}

    The request body is as follows:

              "value": "true"

    Figure 1 shows an example request body for setting NIC multi-queue.

    **Figure 1** Example request body

    Figure 1 Example request body

Create an ECS from the Private Image

Use the registered private image to create an ECS. For details, see the Elastic Cloud Server User Guide. Note the following when setting the parameters:

  • Region: Select the region where the private image is located.

  • Image: Select Private image and then the desired image from the drop-down list.

Enable NIC Multi-Queue

KVM ECSs running Windows use private images to support NIC multi-queue.

For Linux ECSs, which run CentOS 7.4 as an example, perform the following operations to enable NIC multi-queue:

  1. Enable NIC multi-queue.

    1. Log in to the ECS.

    2. Run the following command to obtain the number of queues supported by the NIC and the number of queues with NIC multi-queue enabled:

      ethtool -l NIC

    3. Run the following command to configure the number of queues used by the NIC:

      ethtool -L NIC combined Number of queues


    [root@localhost ~]# ethtool -l eth0  #View the number of queues used by NIC eth0.
    Channel parameters for eth0:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:               0
    TX:               0
    Other:                  0
    Combined: 4  #Indicates that a maximum of four queues can be enabled for the NIC.
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:               0
    TX:               0
    Other:                  0
    Combined: 1 #Indicates that one queue has been enabled.
    [root@localhost ~]# ethtool -L eth0 combined 4 #Enable four queues on NIC eth0.
  2. (Optional) Enable irqbalance so that the system automatically allocates NIC interruptions to multiple vCPUs.

    1. Run the following command to enable irqbalance:

      service irqbalance start

    2. Run the following command to view the irqbalance status:

      service irqbalance status

      If the Active value in the command output contains active (running), irqbalance has been enabled.

      **Figure 2** Enabled irqbalance

      Figure 2 Enabled irqbalance

  3. (Optional) Enable interrupt binding.

    Enabling irqbalance allows the system to automatically allocate NIC interruptions, improving network performance. If the improved network performance fails to meet your expectations, manually configure interrupt affinity on the target ECS.

    The detailed operations are as follows:

    Run the following script so that each ECS vCPU responds the interrupt requests initialized by one queue. That is, one queue corresponds to one interrupt, and one interrupt binds to one vCPU.

    service irqbalance stop
    eth_dirs=$(ls -d /sys/class/net/eth*)
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
        echo "Failed to find eth*  , sleep 30" >> $ecs_network_log
        sleep 30
        eth_dirs=$(ls -d /sys/class/net/eth*)
    for eth in $eth_dirs
        cur_eth=$(basename $eth)
        cpu_count=`cat /proc/cpuinfo| grep "processor"| wc -l`
        virtio_name=$(ls -l /sys/class/net/"$cur_eth"/device/driver/ | grep pci |awk {'print $9'})
        irqs_in=$(grep "$virtio_input" /proc/interrupts | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
        for irq in ${irqs_in[*]}
            echo $((affinity_cpu%cpu_count)) > /proc/irq/"$irq"/smp_affinity_list
        irqs_out=$(grep "$virtio_output" /proc/interrupts | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
        for irq in ${irqs_out[*]}
            echo $((affinity_cpu%cpu_count)) > /proc/irq/"$irq"/smp_affinity_list
  4. (Optional) Enable XPS and RPS.

    XPS allows the system with NIC multi-queue enabled to select a queue by vCPU when sending a data packet.

    # enable XPS feature
    cpu_count=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
      echo $(printf "%x" $1)
    eth_dirs=$(ls -d /sys/class/net/eth*)
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
        echo "Failed to find eth* , sleep 30" >> $ecs_network_log
        sleep 30
        eth_dirs=$(ls -d /sys/class/net/eth*)
    for eth in $eth_dirs
        cur_eth=$(basename $eth)
        cur_q_num=$(ethtool -l $cur_eth | grep -iA5 current | grep -i combined | awk {'print $2'})
            if [ $i -eq $ cpu_count ];then
            cpuset=$(dec2hex "$cpu_id")
            echo $cpuset > $xps_file
            echo $cpuset > $rps_file
            let cpu_id=cpu_id*2