Viewing Ransomware Protection


You have enabled HSS premium, WTP, or container edition.


  • After ransomware protection is enabled, you need to handle ransomware alarms and fix the vulnerabilities in your systems and middleware in a timely manner.

Checking the Ransomware Prevention Overview

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > HSS. The HSS page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Prevention > Ransomware Prevention. Check ransomware prevention details.

    **Figure 1** Ransomware prevention overview

    Figure 1 Ransomware prevention overview

    Table 1 Ransomware prevention parameters



    Example Value

    Enterprise Project

    After an enterprise project is selected, the overview page will display the data in the project only.

    You can select an existing enterprise project. By default, data of all servers is displayed.


    Time range

    Select a time range to check ransomware defense statistics.

    Valid values: Last 24 hours, Last 3 days, Last 7 days, Last 30 days

    Last 30 days

    Protection Statistics

    Protected Servers

    Number of servers protected against ransomware.



    Number of ransomware-related events detected within the specified time range.


    Backup Statistics

    Backed Up Servers

    Number of servers whose data has been backed up.


    Backup and Restoration Tasks

    Number of server data restoration tasks. You can click the number to view the task progress.


    Protected Servers

    Server Name/ID

    Server name and ID. You can click a server name to view its details.


    IP Address

    EIP and private IP address of a server.



    Server OS.


    Server Status

    Server status. It can be:

    • Running

    • Stopped


    Ransomware Protection Status

    Ransomware protection status of a server. Its value can be:

    • Enabling

    • Enabled

    • Disabling

    • Disabled



    Policy used for the server.



    Number of events detected within the selected time range.


    Backup Status

    Status of the backup function. Its value can be:

    • Enabled: Automatic full data backup has been enabled for a server.

    • Disabled: Automatic full data backup is disabled for a server.


    Backup Policy Status

    Status of the backup policy associated with the target server


    Vault Status

    Status of the vault associated with the backup on the target server


    Associated Vault

    Name of the vault bound to the target server


    Bound Servers

    Number of servers associated with the backup vault


    Used/Total Vault Capacity (GB)

    The used capacity and total capacity of the vault associated with the target server



    Number of backups generated in the vault




    Policy name.



    Action of a policy. Its value can be:

    • Report alarm: If a virus is detected, an alarm will be reported.

    • Report alarm and isolate: If a virus is detected, an alarm will be reported and the virus will be isolated.

    Report alarm and isolate

    Bait File

    Files and directories that store invalid data on servers and are used as bait files.

    If ransomware prevention is enabled, this function is enabled by default.

    After bait file is enabled, the system deploys bait files in protected directories and key directories (unless otherwise specified by users). A bait file occupies only a few resources and does not affect your server performance.



    OS of the server to which the target policy is bound.


    Associated Servers

    Number of servers associated with the policy.


Viewing Backup and Restoration Tasks


The backup of HSS ransomware protection depends on Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR). Before enabling server backup, ensure that you have applied for CBR.

  1. Log in to the management console and go to the HSS page.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Prevention > Ransomware Prevention. Click the number of backup and restoration tasks.

  3. In the dialog box that is displayed, view the backup and restoration task details. You can filter or search for a server by its name or status. For more information, see Table 2.

    Table 2 Backup and restoration task parameters



    Example Value

    Server Name/ID

    Name or ID of a server that executes a restoration task.


    Backup Name

    Name of a backup file.


    Restoration Status

    Restoration status of a server. It can be:

    • Succeeded

    • Skipped

    • Failed

    • In progress

    • Timed out

    • Waiting

    If a task was skipped, failed, or timed out, perform restoration again.


    Start/End Time

    Start and end time of backup and restoration.


Restoring Server Data


The backup of HSS ransomware protection depends on Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR). Before enabling server backup, ensure that you have applied for CBR.

  1. Log in to the management console and go to the HSS page.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Prevention > Ransomware Prevention. Click the Protected Servers tab. In the Operation column of the target server, click More > Restore Data.

  3. In the dialog box that is displayed, view information about the server to be restored. You can search for the backup data source to be restored by filtering the backup status and searching for the backup name. For more information, see Table 3.

    Table 3 Backup data source parameters



    Example Value

    Backup Name

    Name of a backup file.



    Backup status. It can be:

    • Available

    • Creating

    • Deleting

    • Restoring

    • Error

    A backup in Available state can be used for restoration.



    Backup purpose. It can be:

    • Periodic execution: Data is backed up based on the backup period configured in the backup policy.

    • Ransomware protection: Data is backed up immediately when a server is attacked by ransomware.

    Periodic execution

    Execution Time

    Time when the data source was backed up.


  4. In the Operation column of a backup, click Restore Data.


    Only a backup in the available state can be restored.

  5. In the dialog box that is displayed, confirm the server information and click OK.

Modifying a Backup Policy


The backup of HSS ransomware protection depends on Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR). Before enabling server backup, ensure that you have applied for CBR.

  1. Log in to the management console and go to the HSS page.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Prevention > Ransomware Prevention. The protected server list is displayed. Click the policy name in the Backup Policy Status column of the target server.

  3. Configure the policy in the dialog box that is displayed. For more information, see Table 4.

    Table 4 Policy parameters



    Example Value

    Backup Frequency

    Data can be automatically backed up on specific days in a week, or at a fixed interval.

    • Weekly: Select one or more days in a week to back up data.

    • Day based: The range of the backup interval is 1 to 30 days.


    Execution Time

    Time when automated backup is started.


    Example of policy configurations

    Policy 1: Set Backup Frequency to Weekly, select Wednesday and Saturday, and set Execution Time to 00:00 and 13:00. Data will be automatically backed up at 00:00 and 13:00 every Wednesday and Saturday.

    Policy 2: Set Backup Frequency to Day based and set the interval to two days. Set Execution Time to 02:00 and 14:00. Data will be automatically backed up at 02:00 and 14:00 at an interval of two days.

    00:00, 07:00


    Select the time zone of the backup time.


  4. Confirm the settings and click Next. Configure the backup retention rule.

    • Type: Backup Quantity

      Configure the backup policy. For more information, see Table 5.

      Table 5 Parameters for data retention by quantity



      Example Value


      Number of latest backups to be retained.


      NOTICE: This setting takes effect no matter how you configure advanced options.

      For example, if the rule is configured to keep the most recent 30 backups, and Advanced Options are configured to keep the latest backup in the last 3 months (90 days), the latest 30 backups will be retained.


      (Optional) Advanced Options

      Daily backup: The latest backup on each of the specified days is retained.

      Keep the most recent backup from each of the last three months

    • Type: Time period

      Configure the backup policy. For more information, see Table 6.

      Table 6 Parameters for data retention by time period



      Example Value


      Select or customize a backup retention period. The system will automatically retain backups and delete old ones based on your settings. The retention period can be:

      • Days

      • 1 month

      • 3 months

      • 6 months

      • 1 year

      3 months

    • Type: Permanent

      Backup data will be permanently stored.


      If the Retention Type of a rule is changed from Time period to Permanent, historical backups will still be deleted by following based on the Time period settings.

  5. Click OK.