Handling Container Alarms

HSS displays alarm and event statistics and their summary all on one page. You can have a quick overview of alarms, including the numbers of containers with alarms, handled alarms, and unhandled alarms.

The Events page displays the alarms generated in the last 30 days.

The status of a handled alarm changes from Unhandled to Handled.


Servers that are not protected by HSS do not support operations related to alarms and events.


This section describes how you should handle alarms to enhance server security.


Do not fully rely on alarm handling to defend against attacks, because not every issue can be detected in a timely manner. You are advised to take more measures to prevent threats, such as checking for and fixing vulnerabilities and unsafe settings.

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > HSS. The HSS page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Detection > Alarms, and click Container Alarms.

    **Figure 1** Viewing container alarms

    Figure 1 Viewing container alarms

    Table 1 Alarm statistics

    Alarm Event


    Containers with Alarms

    Number of containers for which alarms are generated.

    Alarms to be Handled

    Number of alarms to be handled.

    By default, all unhandled alarms are displayed on the Events page.

    Handled Alarms

    Number of handled alarms.

  4. Handle alarms.


    Alarms are displayed on the Container Alarms page. Here you can check up to 30 days of historical alarms.

    Check and handle alarms as needed. The status of a handled alarm changes from Unhandled to Handled. HSS will no longer collect its statistics.

    • Handling selected alarms in batches

      1. Select an event type, select multiple alarms, and click Batch Handle.

      2. In the dialog box that is displayed, select a handling method, confirm the information, and click OK. For more information, see Table 2.

    • Handling a single alarm

      1. Select an event type, and click Handle in the Operation column of an alarm.

      2. In the dialog box that is displayed, select a handling method, confirm the information, and click OK. For more information, see Table 2.

    Table 2 Handling alarm events




    Ignore the current alarm. Any new alarms of the same type will still be reported by HSS.

    Mark as handled

    Mark the event as handled. You can add remarks for the event to record more details.