Is the Agent in Conflict with Any Other Security Software?

Yes, it may be in conflict with DenyHosts.

  • Symptom: The IP address of the login host is identified as an attack IP address but can not be unblocked.

  • Cause: HSS and DenyHosts both block possible attack IP addresses, but HSS can not unblock the IP addresses that were blocked by DenyHosts.

  • Handling method: Stop DenyHosts.

  • Procedure

    1. Log in as user root to ECS.

    2. Run the following command to check whether DenyHosts has been installed:

      ps -ef | grep

      If information similar to the following is displayed, DenyHosts has been installed:


    3. Run the following command to stop DenyHosts:

      kill -9 'cat /var/lock/denyhosts'

    4. Run the following command to cancel the automatic start of DenyHosts upon host startup:

      chkconfig --del denyhosts;