What Is GaussDB NoSQL?

GaussDB NoSQL is a distributed, multi-model NoSQL database service with decoupled compute and storage architecture. This high availability database is secure and scalable, can be deployed, backed up, or restored quickly, and includes monitoring and alarm management. GaussDB NoSQL includes GaussDB(for Cassandra) with Cassandra API compatibility. It provides high-performance read/write at low costs, making it well suited to IoT, meteorology, Internet, and gaming applications.

GaussDB(for Cassandra)

GaussDB(for Cassandra) is a cloud-native NoSQL database compatible with Cassandra. It supports Cassandra Query Language (CQL), which gives you SQL-like syntax. GaussDB(for Cassandra) is secure, reliable, scalable, and easy to manage.

  • A multi-layer security system, including a VPC, subnet, security group, and SSL, ensures database security and user privacy. You can deploy nodes across three AZs and create backups or restore data with ease. The distributed architecture provides superlative fault tolerance (N-1 reliability).

  • GaussDB(for Cassandra) read and write performance is 3 times that of the open source version. Data can be written to this high availability database 24/7, and with automated load balancing and elastic scaling, you always have all the performance you need.

  • The distributed architecture, with decoupled compute and storage, means that compute nodes can be expanded in minutes, and storage capacity can be scaled up in seconds without affecting your services.

  • On the visualized instance management console, you can create or delete instances in just a few clicks. Backup and restoration, configuring alarms or adding nodes is just as easy.