Modifying the Code of a Function¶
This API is used to modify the code of a function.
PUT /v2/{project_id}/fgs/functions/{function_urn}/code
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Project ID. For details, see Obtaining a Project ID. |
function_urn | Yes | String | Function URN. For details, see the function model description. |
Request Parameters¶
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
X-Auth-Token | Yes | String | User token. It can be obtained by calling the IAM API used to obtain a user token. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the user token. |
Content-Type | Yes | String | Message body type (format). |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
code_type | Yes | String | Function code type. Options: inline: inline code zip: ZIP file obs: function code stored in an OBS bucket jar: JAR file, mainly for Java functions. For details about how to modify a custom image-based function, see Modify the configuration of the custom image-based function. Enumeration values:
code_url | No | String | If code_type is set to obs, enter the OBS URL of the function code package. If code_type is not set to obs, leave this parameter blank. |
code_filename | No | String | Name of a function file. This parameter is mandatory only when code_type is set to jar or zip. |
func_code | Yes | FuncCode object | Response body of the FuncCode struct. |
depend_version_list | No | Array of strings | Dependency version IDs. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
file | No | String | Function code, which must be encoded using Base64. If this parameter is left blank, the default code is used. |
link | No | String | Function code URL. |
Response Parameters¶
Status code: 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
func_urn | String | Function URN. |
func_name | String | Function name. |
domain_id | String | Domain ID. |
runtime | String | Environment for executing a function. Options: Python2.7 Python 3.6 Python 3.9 Go 1.8 Go 1.x Java 8 Java 11 Node.js 6.10 Node.js 8.10 Node.js 10.16 Node.js 12.13 Node.js 14.18 C# (.NET Core 2.0) C# (.NET Core 2.1) C# (.NET Core 3.1) Custom PHP 7.3 HTTP Custom image-based functions Enumeration values:
code_type | String | Function code type. Options: inline: inline code zip: ZIP file obs: function code stored in an OBS bucket jar: JAR file, mainly for Java functions. For details about how to modify a custom image-based function, see Modify the configuration of the custom image-based function. Enumeration values:
code_url | String | If code_type is set to obs, enter the OBS URL of the function code package. If code_type is not set to obs, leave this parameter blank. |
code_filename | String | Name of a function file. This parameter is mandatory only when code_type is set to jar or zip. |
code_size | Long | Code size in bytes. |
digest | String | SHA512 hash value of function code, which is used to determine whether the function has changed. |
last_modified | String | Time when the function was last updated. |
func_code | FuncCode object | Response body of the FuncCode struct. |
depend_version_list | Array of strings | Dependency version IDs. |
strategy_config | StrategyConfig object | Function policy configuration. |
dependencies | Array of Dependency objects | Dependency packages. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
file | String | Function code, which must be encoded using Base64. If this parameter is left blank, the default code is used. |
link | String | Function code URL. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
concurrency | Integer | Maximum number of instances for a single function. For v1, the value can be 0 or -1; for v2, it ranges from -1 to 1000.
concurrent_num | Integer | Number of concurrent requests per instance. This parameter is supported only by v2. The value ranges from 1 to 1,000. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Dependency version ID. |
owner | String | Domain ID of the dependency owner. |
link | String | URL of the dependency on OBS. |
runtime | String | Environment for executing a function. Options: Python2.7 Python 3.6 Python 3.9 Go 1.8 Go 1.x Java 8 Java 11 Node.js 6.10 Node.js 8.10 Node.js 10.16 Node.js 12.13 Node.js 14.18 C# (.NET Core 2.0) C# (.NET Core 2.1) C# (.NET Core 3.1) Custom PHP 7.3 HTTP Custom image-based functions Enumeration values:
etag | String | MD5 value of a dependency. |
size | Long | Dependency size. |
name | String | Dependence name. |
description | String | Dependency description. |
file_name | String | File name of a dependency package (ZIP). |
version | Long | Dependency version ID. |
dep_id | String | Dependency ID. |
last_modified | String | Time when the function was last updated. |
Status code: 400
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 401
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 403
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 404
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 500
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Example Requests¶
Modify the code of a specified function in inline mode.
PUT https://{Endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/fgs/functions/{function_urn}/code { "code_filename" : "", "code_type" : "inline", "func_code" : { "file" : "UEsDBAoAAAAIAPQ1M1gNImPLrAAAAAEBAAAIAAAAaW5kZXgucHlNjtEOgjAMRd/5igVfxDAlxhjDo0S/wB+YrMgMdMvWGYnh390wEfrU3nvb0xXjG85qLRU+Sk8NP0UhUb3RltjTaUwkNKwVKDuwbA0vQMrDAhK8KSsTFsoCeYvsMw2xUkeCvKu0hLRk+6LIZ0u5s3BwPFwwUEEG/yo6B4vEXcshyBG+lb437kfNFpEWhATrQmqGTkYVH0Pit8FEdCqM6VQtSGncxYPpPz5O3fgFUEsBAh4DCgAAAAgA9DUzWA0iY8usAAAAAQEAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPMCAAAAAGluZGV4LnB5UEsFBgAAAAABAAEANgAAANIAAAAAAA==" } }
Modify the code of a specified function by uploading a ZIP package.
PUT https://{Endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/fgs/functions/{function_urn}/code { "code_filename" : "", "code_type" : "zip", "func_code" : { "file" : "UEsDBAoAAAAIAPQ1M1gNImPLrAAAAAEBAAAIAAAAaW5kZXgucHlNjtEOgjAMRd/5igVfxDAlxhjDo0S/wB+YrMgMdMvWGYnh390wEfrU3nvb0xXjG85qLRU+Sk8NP0UhUb3RltjTaUwkNKwVKDuwbA0vQMrDAhK8KSsTFsoCeYvsMw2xUkeCvKu0hLRk+6LIZ0u5s3BwPFwwUEEG/yo6B4vEXcshyBG+lb437kfNFpEWhATrQmqGTkYVH0Pit8FEdCqM6VQtSGncxYPpPz5O3fgFUEsBAh4DCgAAAAgA9DUzWA0iY8usAAAAAQEAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPMCAAAAAGluZGV4LnB5UEsFBgAAAAABAAEANgAAANIAAAAAAA==" } }
Example Responses¶
Status code: 200
"func_urn" : "urn:fss:xxxxxxxxxxxx:7aad83af3e8d42e99ac194e8419e2c9b:function:default:test:latest",
"func_name" : "test",
"domain_id" : "14ee2e3501124efcbca7998baa24xxxx",
"runtime" : "Node.js6.10",
"code_type" : "inline",
"code_filename" : "index.js",
"code_size" : 245,
"digest" : "39d51ae334ffb239037e194159f4cc9cec31086719aa73db7d0a608343121a290f7115693e008bd01cb12b99a803856e83aa96173b26c528c41cfed18267e08f",
"last_modified" : "2019-10-31 11:37:58",
"func_code" : {
"file" : "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",
"link" : ""
"strategy_config" : {
"concurrency" : -1
Status code: 404
Not found.
"error_code" : "FSS.1052",
"error_msg" : "Not found the function version"
Status Codes¶
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request. |
401 | Unauthorized. |
403 | Forbidden. |
404 | Not found. |
500 | Internal server error. |
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.