Updating an Enterprise Router¶
This API is used to update basic information about the enterprise router.
Information (except name and description) can be updated only when the enterprise router is in the available state.
PUT /v3/{project_id}/enterprise-router/instances/{er_id}
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Project ID |
er_id | Yes | String | Enterprise router ID |
Request Parameters¶
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
instance | No | UpdateEnterpriseRouter object | Request body for updating an enterprise router |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
name | No | String | Enterprise router name. The value can contain 1 to 64 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). Minimum: 1 Maximum: 64 |
description | No | String | Supplementary information about an enterprise router Minimum: 0 Maximum: 255 |
enable_default_propagation | No | Boolean | Whether to enable Default Route Table Propagation. |
enable_default_association | No | Boolean | Whether to enable Default Route Table Association. |
default_propagation_route_table_id | No | String | Default propagation route table ID |
default_association_route_table_id | No | String | Default association route table ID |
auto_accept_shared_attachments | No | Boolean | Whether to automatically accept shared attachments. The default value is false, indicating that the function is disabled. |
Response Parameters¶
Status code: 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
instance | EnterpriseRouter object | Enterprise router |
request_id | String | Request ID |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Enterprise router ID |
name | String | Enterprise router name |
description | String | Supplementary information about an enterprise router |
state | String | Enterprise router status. Value options: pending, available, modifying, deleting, deleted, and failed |
tags | Array of Tag objects | Tag information |
charge_mode | String | Billing mode (pay-per-use) Default: postPaid |
created_at | String | Creation time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ |
updated_at | String | Update time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ |
enterprise_project_id | String | Enterprise project ID |
project_id | String | Project ID |
asn | Long | Enterprise router BGP ASN |
enable_default_propagation | Boolean | Whether to enable the Default Route Table Propagation function. The default value is false, indicating that the function is disabled. |
enable_default_association | Boolean | Whether to enable the Default Route Table Association function. The default value is false, indicating that the function is disabled. |
default_propagation_route_table_id | String | Default propagation route table ID |
default_association_route_table_id | String | Default association route table ID |
availability_zone_ids | Array of strings | AZs where the enterprise router is located |
auto_accept_shared_attachments | Boolean | Whether to automatically accept shared attachments. The default value is false, indicating that the function is disabled. |
cidr_blocks | Array of strings | Enterprise router CIDR block. This parameter is not supported for now. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | String | Tag key. The value contain up to 128 characters (36 characters on the console), including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and at signs (@). Minimum: 1 Maximum: 128 |
value | String | Tag value. The value contain up to 128 characters in API (43 characters on the console), including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and at signs (@). Minimum: 0 Maximum: 128 |
Example Requests¶
Updating an enterprise router to enable Default Route Table Association and Default Route Table Propagation and specify route table
PUT https://{erouter_endpoint}/v3/08d5a9564a704afda6039ae2babbef3c/enterprise-router/instances/94c2b814-99dc-939a-e811-ae84c61ea3ff
"instance" : {
"enable_default_association" : true,
"enable_default_propagation" : true,
"default_propagation_route_table_id" : "94c2b814-99dc-939a-e811-ae84c61ea3ff",
"default_association_route_table_id" : "94c2b814-99dc-939a-e811-ae84c61ea3ff"
Example Responses¶
Status code: 200
"instance" : {
"id" : "94c2b814-99dc-939a-e811-ae84c61ea3ff",
"name" : "my_er",
"description" : "this is my first enterprise router",
"project_id" : "08d5a9564a704afda6039ae2babbef3c",
"state" : "pending",
"asn" : 64512,
"enable_default_association" : true,
"enable_default_propagation" : true,
"default_propagation_route_table_id" : "94c2b814-99dc-939a-e811-ae84c61ea3ff",
"default_association_route_table_id" : "94c2b814-99dc-939a-e811-ae84c61ea3ff",
"auto_accept_shared_attachments" : false,
"availability_zone_ids" : [ "az1" ],
"created_at" : "2019-09-06 02:11:13Z",
"updated_at" : "2019-09-06 02:11:13Z"
"request_id" : "14c2b814-99dc-939b-e81c-ae84c61ea3f7"
Status Codes¶
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.