Creating a Node Pool¶
This API is used to create a node pool in a specified cluster.
POST /api/v3/projects/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodepools
Table 1 describes the parameters of the API.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
project_id | Yes | Project ID. For details about how to obtain the project ID, see How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI. |
cluster_id | Yes | Cluster ID. For details about how to obtain the cluster ID, see How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI. |
Request parameters:
Table 2 and Table 3 describe the request parameters.
Parameter | Mandatory | String | Description |
Content-Type | Yes | String | Message body type (format). Default: application/json |
X-Auth-Token | Yes | String | Requests for calling an API can be authenticated using either a token or AK/SK. If token-based authentication is used, this parameter is mandatory and must be set to a user token. For details on how to obtain a user token, see API Usage Guidelines. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
kind | Yes | String | API type, which is fixed at NodePool. |
apiVersion | Yes | String | API version, which is fixed at v3. |
metadata | Yes | metadata object | Metadata of the node pool. |
spec | Yes | spec object | Parameters of the node pool. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
name | Yes | String | Node pool name. Naming rule: Enter 1 to 50 characters that starts with a lowercase letter and cannot end with a hyphen (-). Lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-) are allowed. The value cannot be DefaultPool. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
type | No | String | Node pool type. If this parameter is left blank, the value vm is used by default.
nodeTemplate | Yes | nodeTemplate object | Parameters of the node pool template. If az is set to random, when you create a node pool or update the number of nodes in a node pool, a scaling task is triggered. The system selects an AZ from all AZs where scaling is allowed to add nodes based on priorities. AZs with a smaller number of existing nodes have a higher priority. If AZs have the same number of nodes, the system selects the AZ based on the AZ sequence. Example:
initialNodeCount | Yes | Integer | Expected number of nodes in this node pool. The value cannot be greater than the maximum number of nodes allowed for the cluster. |
autoscaling | No | autoscaling object | Auto scaling parameters. |
nodeManagement | No | nodeManagement object | Node management parameters. |
customSecurityGroups | No | Array of strings | Custom security group settings for a node pool. New nodes scaled out in a node pool can be bound to a specified security group.
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
flavor | Yes | String | Node specifications. For details, see the description of the flavorRef parameter in Creating an ECS. Note When adding a BMS node, check whether the flavor of the node to be added supports local disks. If local disks are not supported, add at least one 100 GB EVS disk. |
az | Yes | String | AZ of the node. For details, see the description of the availability_zone parameter in Creating an ECS. |
os | No | String |
Note If the alpha.cce/NodeImageID parameter in extendParam is specified during node creation, you do not need to set this field. |
login | Yes | login object | Node login mode, which can be key pair or password. |
rootVolume | Yes | Volume object | System disk parameters of the node. |
dataVolumes | Yes | Array of Volume object | Data disk parameters of the node. |
storage | No | Storage object | Disk initialization management parameter. This parameter is complex to configure. For details, see Attaching Disks to a Node. If this parameter retains its default, disks are managed based on the DockerLVMConfigOverride (discarded) parameter in extendParam. This parameter is supported by clusters of version 1.15.11 and later. Note If a node specification involves local disks and EVS disks at the same time, do not retain the default value of this parameter to prevent unexpected disk partitions. |
publicIP | No | publicIP object | EIP used by the node to access public networks. |
billingMode | No | Integer | Billing mode of a node. Note This field is not supported for the current version. |
count | Yes | Integer | Number of nodes to be created in a batch. The value must be a positive integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the defined limit. This field can be set to 0 for a node pool. |
extendParam | No | extendParam object | Extended parameter. Format: Key-value pair. |
userTags | No | Object | Tag of a VM. The format is key-value pair. The number of key-value pairs cannot exceed 20.
Example: "userTags": [
"key": "tag1",
"value": "aaaa"
"key": "tag2",
"value": "bbbb"
k8sTags | No | Object | Tag of a Kubernetes node. The format is key-value pair. The number of key-value pairs cannot exceed 20.
Example: "k8sTags": {
"key": "value"
taints | No | Object | You can add taints to created nodes to configure anti-affinity. Each taint contains the following parameters:
Example: "taints": [{
"key": "status",
"value": "unavailable",
"effect": "NoSchedule"
}, {
"key": "looks",
"value": "bad",
"effect": "NoSchedule"
nodeNicSpec | No | nodeNicSpec object | Description about the node NIC. |
runtime | No | Runtime object | Container runtime. The default value is docker. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
sshKey | No | String | Name of the key pair used for node login. For details on how to create a key pair, see Creating a Key Pair. |
userPassword | No | String | Password used for node login. Note This field is not supported for the current version. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
volumetype | No | String | Disk type. For details, see the description of root_volume in Creating an ECS.
size | No | Integer | Disk size, in GB. Value range for system disks: 40 to 1024. Value range for data disks: 100 to 32768. |
extendParam | No | Map<String,Object> | Disk extension parameter. For details, see the description of the extendparam parameter in Creating an ECS. |
hw:passthrough | No | Boolean |
metadata | No | dataVolumeMetadata object | Data disk encryption information. This parameter is mandatory only when the data disk of the node to be created needs to be encrypted. If data disks are created using a data disk image, this parameter cannot be used. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
__system__encrypted | No | String | Whether an EVS disk is encrypted.
If this parameter is not specified, EVS disks will not be encrypted by default. |
__system__cmkid | Yes | String | CMK ID used for encryption. This parameter is used with __system__encrypted. Note You can obtain the ID through HTTPS requests. For details, see Querying the List of CMKs. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
ids | No | Array of strings | List of IDs of the existing EIPs. Important NOTICE: If ids is set, you do not need to set count and eip. |
count | No | Integer | Number of EIPs to be dynamically created. Important NOTICE: The count and eip parameters must be set simultaneously. |
eip | No | eip object | EIP. Important NOTICE: The count and eip parameters must be set simultaneously. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
iptype | Yes | String | Type of the EIP. |
bandwidth | Yes | bandwidth object | Bandwidth parameters of the EIP. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
chargemode | No | String | Bandwidth billing mode.
size | Yes | Integer | Bandwidth size. |
sharetype | Yes | String | Bandwidth sharing type. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
maxPods | No | Integer | Maximum number of pods on the node. |
agency_name | No | String | Specifies the IAM agency name. |
alpha.cce/preInstall | No | String | Script required before the installation. Note The input value must be encoded using Base64. (Command: echo -n "Content to be encoded" | base64) |
alpha.cce/postInstall | No | String | Script required after the installation. Note The input value must be encoded using Base64. (Command: echo -n "Content to be encoded" | base64) |
alpha.cce/NodeImageID | No | String | Mandatory if a custom image is used in creating a bare metal node. |
DockerLVMConfigOverride | No | String | Docker data disk configuration item. (This parameter has been discarded. Use the storage field instead.)The following is an example configuration: "DockerLVMConfigOverride":"dockerThinpool=vgpaas/90%VG;kubernetesLV=vgpaas/10%VG;diskType=evs;lvType=linear"
In this example:
publicKey | No | String | Public key of the node. Used when creating a key pair. |
nicMultiqueue | No | String | ENI queue settings, the default setting is: "[{\"queue\":4}]"
nicThreshold | No | String | ENI pre-binding thresholds, the default setting is: "0.3:0.6"
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
primaryNic | No | primaryNic object | Description about the primary NIC. |
extNics | No | Array of extNics objects | Extension NIC. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
subnetId | No | String | Network ID of the subnet to which the NIC belongs. |
fixedIps | No | Array of strings | The IP address of the primary NIC is specified by fixedIps. The number of IP addresses cannot be greater than the number of created nodes. fixedIps and ipBlock cannot be specified at the same time. |
ipBlock | No | String | CIDR format of the IP address segment. The IP address of the created node falls in this IP address segment. fixedIps and ipBlock cannot be specified at the same time. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
enable | No | Boolean | Whether to enable auto scaling. |
minNodeCount | No | Integer | Minimum number of nodes after a scale-down if auto scaling is enabled. |
maxNodeCount | No | Integer | Maximum number of nodes after a scale-up if auto scaling is enabled. The value of this parameter must be greater than or equal to that of minNodeCount and does not exceed the maximum number of nodes for the cluster. |
scaleDownCooldownTime | No | Integer | Interval during which nodes added after a scale-up will not be deleted, in minutes. |
priority | No | Integer | Node pool weight. A higher weight indicates a higher priority in scale-up. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
serverGroupReference | No | String | ECS group ID. If this parameter is specified, all nodes in the node pool will be created in this ECS group. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
name | No | String | Container runtime. The default value is docker. Enumeration values:
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
storageSelectors | Yes | Array of StorageSelectors objects | Disk selection. Matched disks are managed according to matchLabels and storageType. |
storageGroups | Yes | Array of StorageGroups objects | A storage group consists of multiple storage devices. It is used to divide storage space. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
name | Yes | String | Selector name, used as the index of selectorNames in storageGroup. Therefore, the name of each selector must be unique. |
storageType | Yes | String | Specifies the storage type. Currently, only evs (EVS volumes) and local (local volumes) are supported. The local storage does not support disk selection. All local disks will form a VG. Therefore, only one storageSelector of the local type is allowed. |
matchLabels | No | matchLabels object | Matching field of an EVS volume. The size, volumeType, metadataEncrypted, metadataCmkid and count fields are supported. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
size | No | String | Matched disk size. If this parameter is left unspecified, the disk size is not limited. Example: 100 |
volumeType | No | String | EVS disk type.
metadataEncrypted | No | String | Disk encryption identifier. 0 indicates that the disk is not encrypted, and 1 indicates that the disk is encrypted. |
metadataCmkid | No | String | Customer master key ID of an encrypted disk. The value is a 36-byte string. |
count | No | String | Number of disks to be selected. If this parameter is left blank, all disks of this type are selected. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
name | Yes | String | Name of a virtual storage group, which must be unique. |
cceManaged | No | Boolean | Storage space for Kubernetes and runtime components. Only one group can be set to true. If this parameter is left blank, the default value false is used. |
selectorNames | Yes | Array of strings | This parameter corresponds to name in storageSelectors. A group can match multiple selectors, but a selector can match only one group. |
virtualSpaces | Yes | Array of VirtualSpace objects | Detailed management of space configuration in a group. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
name | Yes | String | Name of a virtualSpace.
size | Yes | String | Size of a virtualSpace. The value must be an integer in percentage. Example: 90%. Note The sum of the percentages of all virtualSpaces in a group cannot exceed 100%. |
lvmConfig | No | LVMConfig object | LVM configurations, applicable to kubernetes and user spaces. Note that one virtual space supports only one config. |
runtimeConfig | No | RuntimeConfig object | runtime configurations, applicable to the runtime space. Note that one virtual space supports only one config. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
lvType | Yes | String | LVM write mode. linear indicates the linear mode. striped indicates the striped mode, in which multiple disks are used to form a strip to improve disk performance. |
path | No | String | Path to which the disk is attached. This parameter takes effect only in user configuration. The value is an absolute path. Digits, letters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
lvType | Yes | String | LVM write mode. linear indicates the linear mode. striped indicates the striped mode, in which multiple disks are used to form a strip to improve disk performance. |
Example Request
CCE cluster:
"kind": "NodePool",
"apiVersion": "v3",
"metadata": {
"name": "wyr-17-nodepool-53042"
"spec": {
"initialNodeCount": 0,
"type": "vm",
"autoscaling": {
"enable": true,
"minNodeCount": 1,
"maxNodeCount": 3,
"scaleDownCooldownTime": 10,
"priority": 1
"nodeManagement": {
"serverGroupReference": "2129f95a-f233-4cd8-a1b2-9c0acdf918d3"
"nodeTemplate": {
"flavor": "s6.large.2",
"az": "eu-de-01",
"os": "EulerOS 2.5",
"login": {
"sshKey": "KeyPair-nodepool"
"rootVolume": {
"volumetype": "SATA",
"size": 40
"dataVolumes": [
"volumetype": "SATA",
"size": 100,
"extendParam": {
"useType": "docker"
"billingMode": 0,
"extendParam": {
"alpha.cce/preInstall": "bHMgLWw=",
"alpha.cce/postInstall": "bHMgLWwK",
"alpha.cce/NodeImageID": "85bd7ec5-bca4-4f5f-947b-6c1bf02599d3",
"maxPods": 110,
"DockerLVMConfigOverride": "dockerThinpool=vgpaas/90%VG;kubernetesLV=vgpaas/10%VG;diskType=evs;lvType=linear"
"k8sTags": {
"tag1": "value1",
"tag2": "value2"
"taints": [
"key": "aaa",
"value": "bbb",
"effect": "NoSchedule"
"key": "ccc",
"value": "ddd",
"effect": "NoSchedule"
"userTags": [
"key": "resource-tag1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "resource-tag2",
"value": "value2"
"nodeNicSpec": {
"primaryNic": {
"subnetId": "31be174a-0c7f-4b71-bb0d-d325fecb90ef"
CCE Turbo cluster:
"kind": "NodePool",
"apiVersion": "v3",
"metadata": {
"name": "turbo-cluster-nodepool1"
"spec": {
"initialNodeCount": 0,
"type": "ElasticBMS",
"nodeTemplate": {
"flavor": "cce.c4.22xlarge.4.physical.129nic",
"az": "eu-de-01",
"login": {
"rootVolume": {
"volumetype": "SAS",
"size": 40,
"hw:passthrough": true},
"dataVolumes": [
"volumetype": "SAS",
"size": 100,
"hw:passthrough": true
"runtime": {
"extendParam": {
Response parameters:
Table 26 describes the response parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
kind | String | API type. The value is fixed to NodePool. |
apiVersion | String | API version. The value is fixed to v3. |
metadata | metadata object | Node pool metadata. |
spec | spec object | Detailed node pool parameters. |
status | status object | Node pool status. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the node pool. |
uid | String | ID of the node pool. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | String | Node type. Currently, only VM nodes are supported. |
initialNodeCount | Integer | Initial number of nodes for the node pool. |
nodeTemplate | nodeTemplate object | Detailed parameters of the node pool template. |
autoscaling | autoscaling object | Auto scaling parameters. |
nodeManagement | nodeManagement object | Node management parameters. |
customSecurityGroups | Array of strings | Custom security group settings for a node pool. New nodes scaled out in a node pool can be bound to a specified security group.
Parameter | Type | Description |
enable | Boolean | Whether to enable auto scaling. |
minNodeCount | Integer | Minimum number of nodes allowed if auto scaling is enabled. The value cannot be greater than the maximum number of nodes allowed by the cluster specifications. Minimum: 0 |
maxNodeCount | Integer | Maximum number of nodes allowed if auto scaling is enabled. This value must be greater than or equal to the value of minNodeCount and cannot exceed the maximum number of nodes in the cluster specifications. Minimum: 0 |
scaleDownCooldownTime | Integer | Interval between two scaling operations, in minutes. During this period, nodes added after a scale-up will not be deleted. Minimum: 0 Maximum: 2147483647 |
priority | Integer | Weight of a node pool. A node pool with a higher weight has a higher priority during scaling. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
serverGroupReference | String | ECS group ID. If this parameter is specified, all nodes in the node pool will be created in this ECS group. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
currentNode | Integer | Number of nodes in the node pool. |
deletingNode | Integer | Number of nodes being deleted in the node pool. |
creatingNode | Integer | Number of nodes being created in the node pool. |
phase | String | Node pool status.
Enumeration values:
Note If the status is blank, the status is normal. |
jobId | String | ID of the job to delete the node pool. |
Example response:
CCE cluster:
"kind": "NodePool",
"apiVersion": "v3",
"metadata": {
"name": "wyr-17-nodepool-53042",
"uid": "feec6013-cd7e-11ea-8c7a-0255ac100be7"
"spec": {
"initialNodeCount": 0,
"type": "vm",
"nodeTemplate": {
"flavor": "s6.large.2",
"az": "eu-de-01",
"os": "EulerOS 2.5",
"login": {
"sshKey": "KeyPair-nodepool",
"userPassword": {}
"rootVolume": {
"volumetype": "SATA",
"size": 40
"dataVolumes": [
"volumetype": "SATA",
"size": 100,
"extendParam": {
"useType": "docker"
"storage": {
"storageSelectors": [
"name": "cceUse",
"storageType": "evs",
"matchLabels": {
"size": "100",
"volumeType": "SAS",
"count": "1"
"storageGroups": [
"name": "vgpaas",
"selectorNames": [
"cceManaged": true,
"virtualSpaces": [
"name": "runtime",
"size": "90%"
"name": "kubernetes",
"size": "10%"
"runtime": {
"publicIP": {
"eip": {
"bandwidth": {}
"nodeNicSpec": {
"primaryNic": {
"subnetId": "31be174a-0c7f-4b71-bb0d-d325fecb90ef"
"billingMode": 0,
"taints": [
"key": "aaa",
"value": "bbb",
"effect": "NoSchedule"
"key": "ccc",
"value": "ddd",
"effect": "NoSchedule"
"k8sTags": {
"": "wyr-17-nodepool-53042",
"tag1": "value1",
"tag2": "value2"
"userTags": [
"key": "resource-tag1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "resource-tag2",
"value": "value2"
"extendParam": {
"DockerLVMConfigOverride": "dockerThinpool=vgpaas/90%VG;kubernetesLV=vgpaas/10%VG;diskType=evs;lvType=linear",
"alpha.cce/NodeImageID": "85bd7ec5-bca4-4f5f-947b-6c1bf02599d3",
"alpha.cce/postInstall": "bHMgLWwK",
"alpha.cce/preInstall": "bHMgLWw=",
"maxPods": 110,
"publicKey": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQA***d-by-Nova\n"
"autoscaling": {
"enable": true,
"minNodeCount": 1,
"maxNodeCount": 3,
"scaleDownCooldownTime": 10,
"priority": 1
"nodeManagement": {
"serverGroupReference": "2129f95a-f233-4cd8-a1b2-9c0acdf918d3"
"status": {
"currentNode": 0,
"deletingNode": 0,
"creatingNode": 0,
"phase": ""
CCE Turbo cluster:
"kind": "NodePool",
"apiVersion": "v3",
"metadata": {
"name": "turbo-cluster-nodepool1",
"uid": "99addaa2-69eb-11ea-a592-0255ac1001bb"
"spec": {
"initialNodeCount": 0,
"type": "ElasticBMS",
"nodeTemplate": {
"flavor": "cce.c4.22xlarge.4.physical.129nic",
"az": "eu-de-01",
"os": "EulerOS 2.9",
"login": {
"rootVolume": {
"volumetype": "SAS",
"size": 40,
"hw:passthrough": true},
"dataVolumes": [
"volumetype": "SAS",
"size": 100,
"hw:passthrough": true
"storage": {
"storageSelectors": [
"name": "cceUse",
"storageType": "evs",
"matchLabels": {
"size": "100",
"volumeType": "SAS",
"count": "1"
"storageGroups": [
"name": "vgpaas",
"selectorNames": [
"cceManaged": true,
"virtualSpaces": [
"name": "runtime",
"size": "90%"
"name": "kubernetes",
"size": "10%"
"runtime": {
"extendParam": {
"status": {
"phase": ""
Status Code¶
Table 32 describes the status code of this API.
Status Code | Description |
201 | The job for creating a node in a specified cluster is successfully delivered. |
For the description about error status codes, see Status Code.