Error Codes¶
Status Code | Error Codes | Error Message | Description | Solution |
400 | ELB.0002 | RequestBody is null or empty,request is invalid. | The request body is empty. | Configure the parameters by following the instructions in the Elastic Load Balance API Reference. |
400 | ELB.0004 | Api response is null or invaild. | The response is empty. | Ensure that the backend server is healthy. |
400 | ELB.0230 | Tenant_id is empty. | The project ID is left blank. | Correct the project ID. |
400 | ELB.1000 | The loadbalancer URL is too long. | The URL length exceeds the limit. | Correct the URL. |
400 | ELB.1001 | Request parameters invalid. | Invalid parameters. | Enter valid parameters. |
400 | ELB.1003 | Lb not exist. | The load balancer does not exist. | Check the load balancer ID. |
400 | ELB.1004 | Query condition is not valid. | Invalid query condition. | Change the query condition. |
400 | ELB.1005 | Update request paramters error. | Failed to modify the load balancer. | Check the parameters. |
400 | ELB.1007 | Query internal ELB error. | Failed to query details of the private network load balancer. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.1008 | There is at least one member under the lb. | Failed to delete the load balancer. | Change the parameter settings. |
400 | ELB.1010 | Query elb quota error. | Failed to query the quota. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.1011 | Private_key or certificate content is not valid. | Invalid private or public key of the server certificate. | Enter a valid private or public key. |
400 | ELB.1012 | Create tenant resource relation error. | Failed to create the relationship between resources and the user. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.1013 | Update resource tenant allocation failed, cloud eye warning rule exceeds. | Failed to modify the quota of a resource because the quota set in the Cloud Eye alarm rule is too large. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.1014 | Query resouce tenant relation failed. | Failed to query the relationship between resources and the user. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.1015 | Lb can not be updated. | Failed to modify the load balancer. | Check the parameters. |
400 | ELB.1018 | There is at least one member under the lb. | Failed to delete the load balancer because it has backend servers associated. | Remove the backend servers from the associated backend server group and delete the backend server group first. |
400 | ELB.1020 | Lb ID is not correct. | Incorrect load balancer ID. | Change the parameter settings. |
400 | ELB.1021 | Request parameters error, name invalid. | Invalid load balancer name. | Change the name. |
400 | ELB.1025 | Udpate request parameters error, name is too long. | The load balancer name exceeds the length limit. | Change the name. |
400 | ELB.1031 | Request parameters error, lb len description too long. | The load balancer description exceeds the length limit. | Change the description. |
400 | ELB.1035 | Update request parameters error, name is not valid. | Invalid load balancer name. | Change the name. |
400 | ELB.1041 | Request parameters error, lb type is not valid. | Invalid load balancer type. | Change the parameter settings. |
400 | ELB.1045 | Update request parameters error, description too long. | The load balancer description exceeds the length limit. | Change the description. |
400 | ELB.1051 | Request parameters error, lb bandwidth is not valid. | Invalid bandwidth configured for the load balancer. | Modify the bandwidth. |
400 | ELB.1061 | Request parameters error, lb vip_address and vip_subnet_id are nil. | The EIP or subnet ID is left blank. | Enter a valid EIP or subnet ID. |
400 | ELB.1071 | Request parameters error, lb vip_address is not valid. | Invalid EIP. | Enter a valid EIP. |
400 | ELB.1081 | Request parameters error, lb vpc_id is empty. | The VPC ID is left blank. | Enter a valid VPC ID. |
400 | ELB.1101 | Vip address is exist. | The EIP already exists. | Enter another EIP. |
400 | ELB.1110 | version not found. | The API version does not exist. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.1201 | Get Token failed | Failed to obtain the token. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.1202 | enterprise_project_id can not be empty | An error occurred during the verification of ep_id. | Check the enterprise project ID. |
400 | ELB.1204 | Bind fail. | Failed to associate the load balancer with the enterprise project. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.2002 | Delete member input param error. | Failed to remove the backend server because the parameters are invalid. | Change the parameter settings. |
400 | ELB.2003 | Query member failed. | Failed to query the backend server. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.2005 | Update member failed. | Failed to update the backend server. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.2010 | Member listener ID length is not correct. | The listener ID exceeds the length limit. | Change the listener ID. |
400 | ELB.2011 | Add member listener is not exist. | The listener does not exist. | Ensure that the listener exists. |
400 | ELB.2012 | This member is not exist. | The backend server does not exist. | Ensure that the backend server exists. |
400 | ELB.2020 | Member listener ID content is not correct. | Invalid listener ID. | Change the listener ID. |
400 | ELB.2021 | Request parameters error, member address is null. | Invalid backend server IP address. | Check the backend server IP address. |
400 | ELB.3001 | Create floating IP failed. | Failed to assign the EIP. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.3002 | Delete floating IP failed. | Failed to release the EIP. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.3003 | Query floating IP failed. | Failed to query the EIP. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.3004 | Query floating IP list failed. | Failed to query EIPs. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.4001 | Create elastic IP failed. | Failed to assign the EIP. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.4002 | Delete elastic IP failed. | Failed to release the EIP. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.4003 | Query elastic IP failed. | Failed to query the EIP. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.4004 | Query elastic IP list failed. | Failed to query EIPs. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.4005 | Update elastic IP failed. | Failed to update the EIP. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.5002 | Failed to delete the certificate. | Failed to delete the certificate. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.5003 | Query bandwidth failed. | Failed to query the bandwidth. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.5004 | Invalid search criteria. | Invalid query condition. | Change the query condition. |
400 | ELB.5005 | Update bandwidth failed. | Failed to modify the bandwidth. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.5013 | Private_key or certificate content is not valid. | Invalid public or private key of the server certificate. | Enter a valid public or private key. |
400 | ELB.5020 | The certificate ID must be 32 characters. | The certificate ID is not a 32-character string. | Enter a valid certificate ID. |
400 | ELB.5033 | Failed to update certificate. | Failed to modify the certificate. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.5040 | The certificate does not exist. | The certificate does not exist. | Ensure that the certificate exists. |
400 | ELB.5051 | CA certificate content is not valid. | Invalid CA certificate body. | Enter a valid certificate body. |
400 | ELB.5053 | CA certificate content is not valid. | Invalid CA certificate body. | Enter a valid certificate body. |
400 | ELB.5131 | Failed to query the certificate quota. | Failed to query the certificate quota. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.5141 | Failed to query the user certificate quota. | Failed to query the used certificate quota. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.5151 | The certificate quantity exceeds the quota. | The certificate quota has been used up. | Delete the certificates that are no longer used or request a higher quota. |
400 | ELB.6010 | Listener ID content is not correct. | Invalid listener ID. | Change the listener ID. |
400 | ELB.6011 | Request parameters error, listener name too long. | The listener name exceeds the length limit. | Change the name. |
400 | ELB.6015 | This listener prerty cannot be updated | The listener property cannot be modified. | Select a property that can be modified. |
400 | ELB.6021 | Request parameters error, listener name is not valid. | Invalid listener name. | Change the name. |
400 | ELB.6025 | Udpate request parameters error, listener len name too long. | The listener name exceeds the length limit. | Change the name. |
400 | ELB.6030 | Listener is not associated with loadbalancer id. | The listener does not belong to any load balancer. | Check the listener ID. |
400 | ELB.6031 | Request parameters error, listener len description too long. | The listener description exceeds the length limit. | Change the description. |
400 | ELB.6035 | Udpate request parameters error, listener name is not valid. | Invalid listener name. | Change the name. |
400 | ELB.6040 | The loadbalaner that the listener belongs to is not exist. | The load balancer to which the listener is added does not exist. | Check the load balancer ID. |
400 | ELB.6041 | Request parameters error, listener port is not in 1 ~ 65535. | Invalid port number. | Change the port number. |
400 | ELB.6045 | Update request parameters error, listener len description too long. | The listener description exceeds the length limit. | Change the description. |
400 | ELB.6051 | Request parameters error, listener lb algorithm is not valid. | Invalid load balancing algorithm. | Change the load balancing algorithm. |
400 | ELB.6061 | Request parameters error, listener protocol is not valid. | Invalid listener protocol. | Change the protocol. |
400 | ELB.6071 | Request parameters error, listener backend protocol is not valid. | Invalid backend server protocol. | Change the protocol. |
400 | ELB.6200 | Load Balaner *** already has a listener with protocol_port of ***. | The port number is in use. | Change the port number. |
400 | ELB.7000 | Listener_id must not be null. | The listener ID is left blank. | Change the listener ID. |
400 | ELB.7001 | Healthcheck_interval is illegal. | Invalid query condition. | Change the query condition. |
400 | ELB.7002 | Healthcheck delete condition is not valid. | Invalid query condition. | Change the query condition. |
400 | ELB.7004 | Healthcheck query condition is not valid. | Invalid query condition. | Change the query condition. |
400 | ELB.7010 | Healthcheck listener is not exist. | The listener with which the health check is associated does not exist. | Change the listener ID. |
400 | ELB.7014 | Healthcheck configuration not exist. | The health check does not exist. | Check the health check ID. |
400 | ELB.7020 | This healthcheck is not exist. | The health check does not exist. | Change the health check ID. |
400 | ELB.8001 | Create a SG error. | Failed to create the security group. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8101 | Create VPC error. | Failed to create the VPC. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8102 | Delete VPC error. | Failed to delete the VPC. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8103 | Query VPC error. | Failed to query the VPC. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8201 | Create subnet error. | Failed to create the subnet. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8202 | Delete subnet error. | Failed to delete the subnet. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8203 | Query subnet error. | Failed to query the subnet. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8902 | Invalid input for '%s' is not in %s. | Invalid input parameters. | Check input parameters. |
400 | ELB.8909 | Certificate with multi domain not supported by guaranteed listener. | Multiple domain certificate is not supported by dedicated loadbalancer. | Check input parameters. |
400 | ELB.8934 | The number of available IP addresses in the subnet on the downstream plane is insufficient. | The elb_virsubnet_ids %s is expected to use %s ipv4 addresses but only %s ipv4 addresses are available, Please reselect. | Check your request based on the error message. |
400 | ELB.8938 | The ip member just support when pool's protocol is %s. | Invalid input parameters. | Change the value of pool_id in url to other suppprted pool or pass parameter 'subnet_cidr_id' when create member. |
400 | ELB.8939 | The loadbalancer's ip_target_enable must be true when add ip member. | Invalid input parameters. | Disable ip target of the loadbalancer or pass parameter 'subnet_cidr_id' when create member. |
400 | ELB.8950 | Cannot allocate resource for the loadbalancer. | Cannot allocate resource for the loadbalancer. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.8959 | The %s flavor field does not support update from %s to %s. | Invalid input parameters when updating flavor. | Check input parameters. |
400 | ELB.9001 | Interval ELB create VM error. | Failed to create the VM. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9002 | Internal ELB delete VM error. | Failed to delete the VM. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9003 | Internal ELB query VM error. | Failed to query details of the VM. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9006 | Internal ELB update port fail. | Failed to update the port bound to the VM. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9007 | Intenal ELB bind port fail. | Failed to bind the port to the VM. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9023 | Internal ELB get image error. | Failed to query the image. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9033 | Internal ELB get flavour error. | Failed to query the VM specifications. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9043 | Internal ELB get interface error. | Failed to query the port bound to the VM. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9061 | Internal ELB query topic fail. | Failed to query the SMN topic. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9062 | Internal ELB create topic fail. | Failed to create the SMN topic. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9063 | Internal ELB query subscription fail. | Failed to query the SMN subscription. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9064 | Internal ELB create subscription fail. | Failed to create the SMN subscription. | Contact customer service. |
400 | ELB.9800 | Resource could not be found. | The specified load balancer does not exist when ep_id is queried. | Ensure that the load balancer belongs to the enterprise project. |
400 | ELB.9801 | Not be list action, enterprise_project_id must not be null. | In fine-grained authorization, the enterprise ID is not passed in the request for querying load balancers. | Ensure that the parameters in the request for querying load balancers are correct. |
400 | ELB.9805 | RequestBody listener[protocol] is null, this is a required parameter. | ep_id in the URI is not a valid UUID. | Check the enterprise project ID. |
400 | ELB.9807 | Quota exceeded for resources: %s | No enought quota for resource. | Contact customer to expand quota. |
400 | ELB.9899 | Invalid parameter. For details about the error, see the returned information. | Invalid parameter. For details about the error, see the returned information. | Please check parameters. |
401 | ELB.1103 | Token invalid | Invalid token. | Contact customer service. |
401 | ELB.1104 | Token invalid | Invalid token. | Contact customer service. |
401 | ELB.1105 | Token invalid | Invalid token. | Contact customer service. |
401 | ELB.1109 | Authentication failed. | Real-name authentication failed. | Contact customer service. |
403 | ELB.1091 | Lb number larger than quota. | The number of load balancers exceeds the quota. | Request a higher quota or delete load balancers that are no longer needed. |
403 | ELB.1102 | Token is error, Authentication required. | The token is empty. | Enter a token that has not expired. |
403 | ELB.2001 | Create member failed, the total amount of members exceeds the system setting. | Failed to add the backend server because the number of backend servers reaches the limit. | Check the maximum number of backend servers. |
403 | ELB.6091 | Request lb has more than user listener quota. | The number of listeners reaches the limit. | Request a higher quota or delete listeners that are no longer needed. |
403 | ELB.8962 | tenant %s does not support %s. | The feature is not supported. | Contact customer service. |
403 | ELB.9802 | Policy doesn't allow elb:logtanks:create to be performed. | Authentication failed. | Ensure that you have the permission to perform this operation. |
403 | ELB.9803 | Policy doesn't allow elb:loadbalancers:list to be performed. | Authentication failed. | Ensure that you have the permission to perform this operation. |
403 | ELB.9804 | Policy doesn't allow elb:loadbalancers:list to be performed. | Authentication failed. | Ensure that you have the permission to perform this operation. |
404 | ELB.1002 | Find lb failed. | The load balancer does not exist. | Change the load balancer ID. |
404 | ELB.8904 | %s %s could not be found. | Resource could not be found. | Please check the parameters. |
409 | ELB.8905 | Quota exceeded for resources: %s | No enough quota for resource. | Contact customer to expand quota. |
409 | ELB.8907 | Data conflict. For details about the error, see the returned information. | Data conflict. For details about the error, see the returned information. | Check your request based on the error message. |
500 | ELB.8906 | Internal error. For details about the error, see the returned information. | Internal error. For details about the error, see the returned information. | Contact customer service. |