DB Instance Status

DB Instance Status

Table 1 Status and description




A DB instance is running properly.


A DB instance is faulty.


A DB instance is being created.

Creation failed

A DB instance fails to be created.

Backing up

An instance backup is being created.


A DB instance is being restarted because of a modification that requires restarting it for the modification to take effect.

Switchover in progress

The primary and standby nodes of the replica set instance or the primary and standby shards or configs of a cluster instance are being switched over.

Adding node

shard or mongos nodes are being added to a DDS cluster instance.

Deleting node

The node that failed to be added is being deleted.

Scaling up

The storage space of instance nodes is being expanded.

Changing instance class

The CPU or memory of a DB instance is being changed.

Checking restoration

The backup of the current DB instance is being restored to a new DB instance.


The backup is being restored to the existing DB instance.

Restoration failed

Restoring to the existing DB instance failed.

Switching SSL

The SSL channel is being enabled or disabled.

Querying original slow query logs

Show Original Log is being enabled or disabled.

Changing private IP address

The private IP address of a node is being changed.

Changing port

The DB instance port is being changed.

Changing a security group

The security group is being changed.

Enabling shard IP Address

The shard IP address is being enabled.

Enabling config IP Address

The config IP address is being enabled.

Changing the oplog size

The oplog size is being changed.

Parameter Template Status

Table 2 Status and description




A database parameter change has taken effect.

Pending restart

A database parameter is waiting for the DB instance to be restarted before its modification takes effect.