Which Commands are Supported or Restricted by DDS?¶
The following tables list the commands supported and restricted by DDS.
For more information, see official MongoDB documentation.
Users cannot execute a system command.
Type | Command | Supported | Description |
Aggregates Commands | aggregate | Y |
count | Y |
| |
distinct | Y |
| |
group | Y |
| |
mapReduce | Y | This command can be used only when the security.javascriptEnabled parameter in the parameter template associated with the DB instance is set to true. | |
Geospatial Commands | geoNear | Y |
geoSearch | Y |
| |
Query and Write Operation Commands | find | Y |
insert | Y |
| |
update | Y |
| |
delete | Y |
| |
findAndModify | Y |
| |
getMore | Y |
| |
getLastError | Y |
| |
resetError | Y |
| |
getPrevError | Y |
| |
parallelCollectionScan | Y |
| |
Query Plan Cache Commands | planCacheListFilters | Y |
planCacheSetFilter | Y |
| |
planCacheClearFilters | Y |
| |
planCacheListQueryShapes | Y |
| |
planCacheListPlans | Y |
| |
planCacheClear | Y |
| |
Authentication Commands | logout | Y |
authenticate | Y |
| |
copydbgetnonce | Y |
| |
getnonce | Y |
| |
authSchemaUpgrade | x | System command | |
User Management Commands | createUser | Y |
updateUser | Y |
| |
dropUser | Y |
| |
dropAllUsersFromDatabase | Y |
| |
grantRolesToUser | Y |
| |
revokeRolesFromUser | Y |
| |
usersInfo | Y |
| |
Role Management Commands | invalidateUserCache | Y |
createRole | Y |
| |
updateRole | Y |
| |
dropRole | Y |
| |
dropAllRolesFromDatabase | Y |
| |
grantPrivilegesToRole | Y |
| |
revokePrivilegesFromRole | Y |
| |
grantRolesToRole | Y |
| |
revokeRolesFromRole | Y |
| |
rolesInfo | Y |
| |
Replication Commands | replSetElect | x | System command |
replSetUpdatePosition | x | System command | |
appendOplogNote | x | System command | |
replSetFreeze | x | System command | |
replSetGetStatus | Y |
| |
replSetInitiate | x | System command | |
replSetMaintenance | x | System command | |
replSetReconfig | x | System command | |
replSetStepDown | x | System command | |
replSetSyncFrom | x | System command | |
replSetRequestVotes | x | System command | |
replSetDeclareElectionWinner | x | System command | |
resync | x | System command | |
applyOps | x | System command | |
isMaster | Y |
| |
replSetGetConfig | x | System command | |
Sharding Commands | flushRouterConfig | x | High-risk commands |
addShard | x | Unauthorized operation | |
addShardToZone | Y |
| |
balancerStart | Y |
| |
balancerStatus | Y |
| |
balancerStop | Y |
| |
removeShardFromZone | Y |
| |
updateZoneKeyRange | Y |
| |
cleanupOrphaned | x | High-risk commands | |
checkShardingIndex | x | System command | |
enableSharding | Y |
| |
listShards | x | System command | |
removeShard | x | High-risk commands | |
getShardMap | x | System command | |
getShardVersion | Y |
| |
mergeChunks | Y |
| |
setShardVersion | x | System command | |
shardCollection | Y |
| |
shardingState | x | System command | |
unsetSharding | x | System command | |
split | Y |
| |
splitChunk | Y |
| |
splitVector | Y |
| |
moveChunk | Y |
| |
movePrimary | Y |
| |
isdbgrid | Y |
| |
Administration Commands | setFeatureCompatibilityVersion | Y |
renameCollection | Y |
| |
dropDatabase | Y |
| |
listCollections | Y |
| |
drop | Y |
| |
create | Y |
| |
clone | x | System command | |
cloneCollection | Y |
| |
cloneCollectionAsCapped | Y |
| |
convertToCapped | Y |
| |
filemd5 | Y |
| |
createIndexes | Y |
| |
listIndexes | Y |
| |
dropIndexes | Y |
| |
fsync | Y |
| |
clean | x | System command | |
connPoolSync | x | System command | |
connectionStatus | Y |
| |
compact | x | High-risk commands | |
collMod | Y |
| |
reIndex | Y |
| |
setParameter | x | System configuration command | |
getParameter | Y |
| |
repairDatabase | x | High-risk commands | |
repairCursor | x | System command | |
touch | Y |
| |
shutdown | x | High-risk commands | |
logRotate | x | High-risk commands | |
killOp | Y |
| |
Diagnostic Commands | availableQueryOptions | Y |
buildInfo | Y |
| |
collStats | Y |
| |
connPoolStats | x | System command | |
cursorInfo | x | System command | |
dataSize | Y |
| |
dbHash | x | System command | |
dbStats | Y |
| |
diagLogging | x | System command | |
driverOIDTest | x | System command | |
explain | Y |
| |
features | Y |
| |
getCmdLineOpts | x | System command | |
getLog | x | System command | |
hostInfo | x | System command | |
isSelf | x | System command | |
listCommands | Y |
| |
listDatabases | Y |
| |
netstat | x | System command | |
ping | Y |
| |
profile | Y |
| |
serverStatus | Y |
| |
shardConnPoolStats | x | System command | |
top | Y |
| |
validate | x | System configuration command | |
whatsmyuri | Y |
| |
Internal Commands | handshake | x | System command |
_recvChunkAbort | x | System command | |
_recvChunkCommit | x | System command | |
_recvChunkStart | x | System command | |
_recvChunkStatus | x | System command | |
_replSetFresh | x | System command | |
mapreduce.shardedfinish | x | System command | |
_transferMods | x | System command | |
replSetHeartbeat | x | System command | |
replSetGetRBID | x | System command | |
_migrateClone | x | System command | |
replSetElect | x | System command | |
writeBacksQueued | x | System command | |
writebacklisten | x | System command | |
System Events Auditing Commands | logApplicationMessage | x | System command |