API Overview¶
DDS provides extension APIs, allowing you to perform specific operations using APIs.
Type | Description |
Querying the API Version |
Querying Database Version Information | Obtain database version information about a specified instance type. |
Querying All DB Instance Specifications | Query all DB instance specifications in a specified region. |
Querying the Database Disk Type | Query the database disk type in the current region. |
Managing DB Instances | Create, restart, delete, and query instances, scale up storage, add instance nodes, change instance specifications, switch over primary and standby nodes, enable or disable SSL, change instance names, change database ports, change security groups, and bind or unbind an EIP, change the private network address of an instance, enable the shard/config IP addresses, configure cross-CIDR access, query regions and AZs to which an instance can be migrated. |
Managing Connections | Query instance node sessions, terminate instance node sessions, and query the number of instance node connections. |
Backing up and Restoring an Instance | Create manual backups, delete manual backups, query backups, query the automated backup policy, set the automated backup policy, restore to a new DB instance, obtain the backup download link, query the restoration time range, obtain the list of databases that can be restored, obtain the list of database collections that can be restored, obtain the current DB instance, and restore a database or table to a specified point in time. |
Obtaining Log Information | Query database slow logs, obtain the download link of slow logs, query database error logs, obtain the download link of error logs, set audit log policies, query audit log policies, obtain the audit logs, and obtain the download link of audit logs. |
Managing Tags | Manage tags, including querying resources by tag, adding and deleting a tag or tags, and querying resource tags and project tags. |
Managing Databases and Accounts | Create a database user, create a database role, query database users and roles, change the database user password, , query the cluster balancing settings, enable or disable cluster balancing, and set the activity time window of cluster balancing, delete database users, delete database roles, and check the database password. |