Querying an Instance¶
This API is out-of-date and may not be maintained in the future. Please use the API described in Querying an Instance.
This API is used to query the details about an instance.
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/instances/{instance_id}
Table 1 describes the parameters.
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
project_id | String | Yes | Indicates the ID of a project. |
instance_id | String | Yes | Indicates the instance ID. |
Request parameters
Example request
GET https://{dms_endpoint}/v1.0/{project_id}/instances/{instance_id}
Response parameters
Table 2 describes the parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Indicates the instance name. |
engine | String | Indicates the message engine. |
engine_version | String | Indicates the version of the message engine. |
specification | String | Indicates the instance specification. |
storage_space | Integer | Indicates the message storage space. Unit: GB |
partition_num | String | Indicates the total number of partitions in a Kafka instance. |
used_storage_space | Integer | Indicates the used message storage space. Unit: GB |
connect_address | String | Indicates the IP address of an instance. |
port | Integer | Indicates the port number of an instance. |
status | String | Indicates the status of an instance. For details, see Instance Status. |
instance_id | String | Indicates the instance ID. |
resource_spec_code | String | Indicates the resource specifications identifier.
type | String | Indicates the instance type. Value: cluster |
charging_mode | Integer | Indicates the billing mode. |
vpc_id | String | Indicates the ID of a VPC. |
vpc_name | String | Indicates the name of a VPC. |
created_at | String | Indicates the time when an instance is created. The time is in the format of timestamp, that is, the offset milliseconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to the specified time. |
product_id | String | Indicates the product ID. |
security_group_id | String | Indicates the security group ID. |
security_group_name | String | Indicates the security group name. |
subnet_id | String | Indicates the subnet ID. |
subnet_name | String | Indicates the subnet name. |
subnet_cidr | String | Indicates the subnet CIDR block. |
available_zones | Array | Indicates the ID of the AZ to which the instance node belongs. The AZ ID is returned. |
user_id | String | Indicates the user ID. |
user_name | String | Indicates the username. |
access_user | String | Indicates the username of an instance. |
maintain_begin | String | Indicates the time at which a maintenance time window starts. Format: HH:mm:ss |
maintain_end | String | Indicates the time at which a maintenance time window ends. Format: HH:mm:ss |
enable_publicip | Boolean | Indicates whether to enable public access for an instance.
ssl_enable | Boolean | Indicates whether to enable security authentication.
enterprise_project_id | String | Indicates the enterprise project ID. |
total_storage_space | Integer | Indicates the message storage space. Unit: GB |
storage_resource_id | String | Indicates the storage resource ID. |
storage_spec_code | String | Indicates the I/O specification. |
service_type | String | Indicates the service type. |
storage_type | String | Indicates the storage type. |
retention_policy | String | Indicates the message retention policy. |
kafka_public_status | String | Indicates whether Kafka public access is enabled. |
public_bandwidth | Integer | Indicates the public network bandwidth. |
public_connect_address | String | Indicates the instance IP address for public access. This parameter is displayed only when public access is enabled. |
enable_log_collection | Boolean | Indicates whether log collection is enabled. |
cross_vpc_info | String | Indicates cross-VPC access information. |
ipv6_enable | Boolean | Indicates whether IPv6 is enabled. |
ipv6_connect_addresses | Array of strings | Indicates the IPv6 connection address. |
rest_enable | Boolean | Indicates whether the Kafka REST function is enabled. |
rest_connect_address | String | Indicates the Kafka REST connection address. |
trace_enable | Boolean | Indicates whether message tracing is enabled. |
pod_connect_address | String | Indicates the connection address on the tenant side. |
disk_encrypted | Boolean | Indicates whether disk encryption is enabled.
disk_encrypted_key | String | Indicates the ID of the KMS key if disk encryption is enabled. |
kafka_private_connect_address | String | Indicates the private connection address of a Kafka instance. |
ces_version | String | Indicates the Cloud Eye version. |
tags | Array<Object> | Indicates the list of tags. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | String | Indicates the tag key. |
value | String | Indicates the tag value. |
Example response
"name": "kafka-test",
"engine": "kafka",
"port": 9093,
"status": "RUNNING",
"type": "cluster",
"specification": "100MB",
"engine_version": "2.3.0",
"connect_address": ",,",
"instance_id": "8354dde6-8229-4ff4-844d-ab7121be9745",
"resource_spec_code": "dms.instance.kafka.cluster.c3.mini",
"charging_mode": 1,
"vpc_id": "aaa5c155-7a9a-4d92-a804-e19cadcbca63",
"vpc_name": "vpc-3a7f",
"created_at": "1572866120990",
"product_id": "00300-30308-0--0",
"security_group_id": "3283b880-2256-498c-aa70-154f08f65331",
"security_group_name": "Default_All",
"subnet_id": "598d6280-a437-4c2f-9870-a4fc80e7ba66",
"subnet_name": "subnet-3a7f",
"subnet_cidr": "",
"available_zones": [
"user_id": "674f286936eb47f28f4fa54b130d4db9",
"user_name": "hby-cwx522020",
"access_user": "root",
"maintain_begin": "22:00:00",
"maintain_end": "02:00:00",
"storage_space": 492,
"total_storage_space": 600,
"used_storage_space": 25,
"partition_num": "300",
"enable_publicip": false,
"ssl_enable": true,
"storage_resource_id": "3d737481-04d7-4874-a04b-2b3d884eab99",
"storage_spec_code": "dms.physical.storage.ultra",
"service_type": "advanced",
"storage_type": "hec",
"retention_policy": "time_base",
"kafka_public_status": "closed",
"public_boundwidth": 0
"disk_encrypted": false
Status Code¶
Table 4 describes the status code of successful operations. For details about other status codes, see Status Code.
Status Code | Description |
200 | Specified instance queried successfully. |