Key Operations Recorded by CTS¶
Cloud Trace Service (CTS) records operations related to DDM for further query, audit, and backtrack.
Operation | Resource Type | Trace Name |
Applying a parameter template | parameterGroup | applyParameterGroup |
Clearing metadata after a schema is scaled out | logicDB | cleanMigrateLogicDB |
Clearing user resources | all | cleanupUserAllResources |
Replicating a parameter template | parameterGroup | copyParameterGroup |
Creating a DDM instance | instance | createInstance |
Creating a schema | logicDB | createLogicDB |
Creating a parameter template | parameterGroup | createParameterGroup |
Creating an account | user | createUser |
Deleting a DDM instance | instance | deleteInstance |
Deleting a schema | logicDB | deleteLogicDB |
Deleting a parameter template | parameterGroup | deleteParameterGroup |
Deleting an account | user | deleteUser |
Scaling out a DDM instance | instance | enlargeNode |
Restarting a DDM instance | instance | instanceRestart |
Importing schema information | instance | loadMetadata |
Switching the route during scaling | logicDB | manualSwitchRoute |
Scaling out a schema | logicDB | migrateLogicDB |
Modifying a parameter template | parameterGroup | modifyParameterGroup |
Changing the route switching time | logicDB | modifyRouteSwitchTime |
Modifying an account | user | modifyUser |
Scaling in a DDM instance | instance | reduceNode |
Resetting a parameter template | parameterGroup | resetParameterGroup |
Resetting the password of an account | user | resetUserPassword |
Changing node class | instance | resizeFlavor |
Restoring DB instance data | instance | restoreInstance |
Retrying to scale out a schema | logicDB | retryMigrateLogicDB |
Rolling back the version upgrade of a DDM instance | instance | rollback |
Rolling back a schema scaling task | logicDB | rollbackMigrateLogicDB |
Configuring access control | instance | switchIpGroup |
Synchronizing data node information | instance | synRdsinfo |
Upgrading the version of a DDM Instance | instance | upgrade |
Creating a node group | group | createGroup |
Modifying the floating IP address | instance | modifyIp |
Modifying the name of an instance | instance | modifyName |