
Access a DCS Redis instance through go-redis on an ECS in the same VPC. For more information about how to use other Redis clients, visit the Redis official website.



  1. Log in to the ECS.

    A Windows ECS is used as an example.

  2. Install Visual Studio Community 2017 on the ECS.

  3. Start Visual Studio and create a project. The project name can be customized. In this example, the project name is set to redisdemo.

  4. Import the dependency package of go-redis and enter go get github.com/go-redis/redis on the terminal.

  5. Write the following code:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        // Single-node
        rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
            Addr:     "host:port",
            Password: "********", // no password set
            DB:       0,  // use default DB
        val, err := rdb.Get("key").Result()
        if err != nil {
            if err == redis.Nil {
                fmt.Println("key does not exists")
        rdbCluster := redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{
            Addrs:    []string{"host:port"},
            Password: "********",
        val1, err1 := rdbCluster.Get("key").Result()
        if err1 != nil {
            if err == redis.Nil {
                fmt.Println("key does not exists")

    host:port are the IP address/domain name and port number of the DCS Redis instance. For details about how to obtain the IP address/domain name and port, see Prerequisites. Change them as required. ******** indicates the password used to log in to the DCS Redis instance. This password is defined during DCS Redis instance creation.

  6. Run the go build -o test main.go command to package the code into an executable file, for example, test.


    To run the package in the Linux OS, set the following parameters before packaging:

    set GOARCH=amd64

    set GOOS=linux

  7. Run the ./test command to access the DCS instance.