Quotas and Constraints




Number of connections that can be created by an account in each region


Number of virtual interfaces that can be created by an account in each region


Number of virtual gateways that can be created by an account in each region


Number of local subnets for a virtual gateway


Number of routes for BGP sessions on a virtual interface


Number of static routes on a virtual interface



Online quota adjustment is not supported. If you need to increase a quota, contact the administrator.

Before contacting the administrator, ensure that you have obtained the following information:

  • Domain name, project name, and project ID, which can be obtained by performing the following operations:

    To obtain the preceding information, log in to the management console, click the username in the upper-right corner, and choose My Credentials from the drop-down list.

  • Quota information, which includes service name, quota type, and required quota


  • The CIDR block of the VPC cannot overlap with the CIDR block used by the on-premises network.

    The on-premises network cannot use,,, and because they are reserved for the VPC service.

  • Currently, 1GE and 10GE single-mode optical ports can transmit data up to 10 km. If you need an optical port to transmit data for more than 10 km, or you need a 40GE or 100GE port, you need to purchase the optical modules by yourself.

  • If you use a Direct Connect connection to access ELB, you must select Source IP hash as the load balancing algorithm and disable sticky sessions for ELB.

  • Direct Connect can respond to common ICMP packets (echo packets whose type is 8 and code is 0 and do not carry IP options) for ping detections.

  • For each connection, a maximum of 30 ping detections can be performed on the local gateway IP address over the port per second.

  • A virtual gateway can be associated with only two different devices.