Viewing Audit Reports

By default, database audit complies with a full audit rule, which is used to audit all databases that are successfully connected to the database audit instance. After connecting the database to the database audit instance, generate an audit report and preview online or download it.


  • You have applied for a database audit instance and the Status is Running.

  • Database audit has been enabled.

Report Types

Database audit provides eight types of report templates. Table 1 lists the report names. You can generate reports and set report tasks as needed.

Table 1 Description

Template Name

Report Types


Database Security General Report

Overview report

Provides the overall audit status of the database, including risks, sessions, and login status to better manage databases.

Database Security Compliance Report

Compliance report

This report helps database administrators and auditors detect abnormal behaviors, locate problems, and manage information.

SOX Report

Compliance report

Complies with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to provide statics on and evaluate database operations. This report helps database administrators and auditors detect abnormal behaviors, locate problems, and manage information.

Database Server Analysis Report

Database report

Provides statistics and analysis on active users, user IP addresses, database logins and requests, database usage duration, and database performance.

Client IP Address Analysis Report

Client report

Provides statistics on client applications, database users, and SQL statements collected from user IP addresses.

DML Command Report

Database operation report

Analyzes user and privileged operations based on DML commands.

DDL Command Report

Database operation report

Analyzes user and privileged operations based on DDL commands.

DCL Command Report

Database operation report

Analyzes user and privileged operations based on DCL commands.

Step 1: Generating a Report

You can generate reports immediately or periodically. You can also customize the generation time, frequency, and format of reports.

  • Method 1: Generating a Report Immediately

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Select a region, click image1, and choose Security & Compliance > Database Security Service. The Dashboard page is displayed.

  3. In the Instance drop-down list, select the instance whose instance report you want to generate.

  4. Click the Report Management tab.

  5. In the Operation column of a report template, click Generate Report, as shown in Figure 1.

    **Figure 1** Report template list

    Figure 1 Report template list

  6. In the displayed dialog box, click image2 to set the start time and end time of the report, and select the database for which you want to generate a report, as shown in Figure 2.

    **Figure 2** Generate Report

    Figure 2 Generate Report

  7. Click OK.

  • Method 2: Setting Periodic Report Release

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Select a region, click image3, and choose Security > Database Security Service. The Dashboard page is displayed.

  3. In the Instance drop-down list, select the instance for which you want to set a report task.

  4. Locate the target template and click Schedule Task in the Operation column, as shown in Figure 3.

    **Figure 3** Setting a task

    Figure 3 Setting a task

  5. In the displayed dialog box, set the parameters of the scheduled task, as shown in Figure 4. For details about related parameters, see Table 2.

    **Figure 4** Setting a scheduled task

    Figure 4 Setting a scheduled task

    Table 2 Parameters for setting a task



    Example Value

    Enable Task

    Status of a scheduled task.

    • image4: disabled

    • image5: enabled


    Message Notifications

    Enables or disables notifications.

    image7: enabled

    image8: disabled


    SMN Topic

    For details about topics and subscriptions, see Simple Message Notification User Guide.


    Report Type

    Type of a report. The options are as follows:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly


    Execution Mode

    Execution mode of the report. The options are as follows:

    • Once

    • Periodically



    Time when the report is executed



    Only the PDF format is supported.



    Database for which you want to execute the report task


  6. Click OK.

Step 2: Previewing and Downloading Audit Reports

Before previewing or downloading an audit report, ensure that its Status is 100%.


To preview a report online, use Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox.

  1. Select a region, click image10, and choose Security > Database Security Service. The Dashboard page is displayed.

  2. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Reports.

  3. In the Instance drop-down list, select the instance whose report you want to preview or download.

  4. Locate the target template, and click Preview or More > Download in the Operation column to preview or download the report. See Figure 5..

    **Figure 5** Previewing or downloading an audit report

    Figure 5 Previewing or downloading an audit report