How Do I Back Up the Database Audit Logs?

Database audit supports manual backup and automatic backup. Audit logs are backed up to OBS. Buckets will be automatically created and will incur a separate bill.

Perform the following operations to automatically back up audit logs.

Automatically Backing Up Database Audit Logs

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Settings.

  3. In the Instance drop-down list, select the required instance and click the Backup and Restoration tab.

  4. Click Configure. In the displayed dialog box, set the parameters, as shown in Figure 1. For details about related parameters, see Table 1.

    **Figure 1** Configure Automatic Backup dialog box

    Figure 1 Configure Automatic Backup dialog box

    Table 1 Parameters



    Example Value

    Automatic Backup

    Status of automatic backup

    • image1: enabled

    • image2: disabled


    Backup Period

    Automatic backup period. Its options are as follows:

    • Daily

    • Hourly



    Start time of the backup. Click image4 to configure.

    2020/01/14 20:27:08

    Bucket Name

    Name of the OBS bucket used for backup. Its options are as follows:

    • Create Default Bucket

    • Select Bucket


    • If you click Create Default Bucket, you will be prompted to authorize OBS for exporting audit log backups.

    • Audit logs can be exported only to the bucket created by DBSS.


    Export Directory

    Directory for storing backup files in the OBS bucket.


  5. Click OK.


    After the automatic backup function is configured, new data in the database will be backed up one hour later. Then you can view the backup information.