PGXC_DEADLOCK displays lock wait information generated due to distributed deadlocks.
Currently, PGXC_DEADLOCK collects only lock wait information about locks whose locktype is relation, partition, page, tuple, or transactionid.
Name | Type | Description |
locktype | text | Type of the locked object |
nodename | name | Name of the node where the locked object resides |
dbname | name | Name of the database where the locked object resides The value is NULL if the locked object is a transaction. |
nspname | name | Name of the namespace of the locked object |
relname | name | Name of the relation targeted by the lock The value is NULL if the object is not a relation or part of a relation. |
partname | name | Name of the partition targeted by the lock The value is NULL if the locked object is not a partition. |
page | integer | Number of the page targeted by the lock The value is NULL if the locked object is neither a page nor a tuple. |
tuple | smallint | Number of the tuple targeted by the lock The value is NULL if the locked object is not a tuple. |
transactionid | xid | ID of the transaction targeted by the lock The value is NULL if the locked object is not a transaction. |
waitusername | name | Name of the user who waits for the lock |
waitgxid | xid | ID of the transaction that waits for the lock |
waitxactstart | timestamp with time zone | Start time of the transaction that waits for the lock |
waitqueryid | bigint | Latest query ID of the thread that waits for the lock |
waitquery | text | Latest query statement of the thread that waits for the lock |
waitpid | bigint | ID of the thread that waits for the lock |
waitmode | text | Mode of the waited lock |
holdusername | name | Name of the user who holds the lock |
holdgxid | xid | ID of the transaction that holds the lock |
holdxactstart | timestamp with time zone | Start time of the transaction that holds the lock |
holdqueryid | bigint | Latest query ID of the thread that holds the lock |
holdquery | text | Latest query statement of the thread that holds the lock |
holdpid | bigint | ID of the thread that holds the lock |
holdmode | text | Mode of the held lock |