PG_SESSION_WLMSTAT displays the corresponding load management information about the task currently executed by the user.
Column | Type | Description |
datid | oid | OID of the database this backend is connected to |
datname | name | Name of the database the backend is connected to |
threadid | bigint | ID of the backend thread |
processid | integer | PID of the backend thread |
usesysid | oid | OID of the user who logged into the backend |
appname | text | Name of the application that is connected to the backend |
usename | name | Name of the user logged in to the backend |
priority | bigint | Priority of Cgroup where the statement is located |
attribute | text | Statement attributes
block_time | bigint | Pending duration of the statements by now (unit: s) |
elapsed_time | bigint | Actual execution duration of the statements by now (unit: s) |
total_cpu_time | bigint | Total CPU usage duration of the statement on the DN in the last period (unit: s) |
cpu_skew_percent | integer | CPU usage inclination ratio of the statement on the DN in the last period |
statement_mem | integer | Estimated memory required for statement execution. |
active_points | integer | Number of concurrently active points occupied by the statement in the resource pool |
dop_value | integer | DOP value obtained by the statement from the resource pool |
control_group | text | Cgroup currently used by the statement |
status | text | Status of a statement, including:
enqueue | text | Current queuing status of the statements, including:
resource_pool | name | Current resource pool where the statements are located. |
query | text | Text of this backend's most recent query If state is active, this column shows the executing query. In all other states, it shows the last query that was executed. |
isplana | bool | In logical cluster mode, indicates whether a statement occupies the resources of other logical clusters. The default value is f, indicating that resources of other logical clusters are not occupied. |
node_group | text | Logical cluster of the user running the statement |
lane | text | Fast or slow lane for statement queries.