System Function Checking Functions


Description: Queries information about system functions.

Return type: record


Description: Gets definition of a function.

Return type: text

func_oid is the OID of the function, which can be queried in the PG_PROC system catalog.

Example: Query the OID and definition of the justify_days function.

SELECT oid FROM pg_proc WHERE proname ='justify_days';
(1 row)

SELECT * FROM pg_get_functiondef(1295);
 headerlines |                          definition
           4 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.justify_days(interval)+
             |  RETURNS interval                                           +
             |  LANGUAGE internal                                          +
             |  IMMUTABLE STRICT NOT FENCED NOT SHIPPABLE                  +
             | AS $function$interval_justify_days$function$                +
(1 row)


Description: Gets argument list of function's definition (with default values).

Return type: text

Note: pg_get_function_arguments returns the argument list of a function, in the form it would need to appear in within CREATE FUNCTION.


Description: Gets argument list to identify a function (without default values).

Return type: text

Note: pg_get_function_identity_arguments returns the argument list necessary to identify a function, in the form it would need to appear in within ALTER FUNCTION. This form omits default values.


Description: Gets RETURNS clause for function.

Return type: text

Note: pg_get_function_result returns the appropriate RETURNS clause for the function.