Aggregate Functions


Description: Groups hashed data into HLL.

Return type: hll


  1. Prepare data.

    CREATE TABLE t_id(id int);
    INSERT INTO t_id VALUES(generate_series(1,500));
    CREATE TABLE t_data(a int, c text);
    INSERT INTO t_data SELECT mod(id,2), id FROM t_id;
  2. Create another table and specify an HLL column:

    CREATE TABLE t_a_c_hll(a int, c hll);
  3. Use GROUP BY on column a to group data, and insert the data to the HLL column:

    INSERT INTO t_a_c_hll SELECT a, hll_add_agg(hll_hash_text(c)) FROM t_data GROUP BY a;
  4. Calculate the number of distinct values for each group in the HLL column:

    SELECT a, #c as cardinality FROM t_a_c_hll order by a;
     a |   cardinality
     0 | 250.741759091658
     1 | 250.741759091658
    (2 rows)

hll_add_agg(hll_hashval, int32 log2m)

Description: Groups hashed data into HLL and sets the log2m parameter. The parameter value ranges from 10 to 16.

Return type: hll


 SELECT hll_cardinality(hll_add_agg(hll_hash_text(c), 10)) FROM t_data;
(1 row)

hll_add_agg(hll_hashval, int32 log2m, int32 regwidth)

Description: Groups hashed data into HLL. and sets the log2m and regwidth parameters in sequence. The value of regwidth ranges from 1 to 5.

Return type: hll


SELECT hll_cardinality(hll_add_agg(hll_hash_text(c), NULL, 1)) FROM t_data;
(1 row)

hll_add_agg(hll_hashval, int32 log2m, int32 regwidth, int64 expthresh)

Description: Groups hashed data into HLL and sets the parameters log2m, regwidth, and expthresh in sequence. The value of expthresh is an integer ranging from -1 to 7. expthresh is used to specify the threshold for switching from the explicit mode to the sparse mode. -1 indicates the auto mode; 0 indicates that the explicit mode is skipped; a value from 1 to 7 indicates that the mode is switched when the number of distinct values reaches 2expthresh.

Return type: hll


 SELECT hll_cardinality(hll_add_agg(hll_hash_text(c), NULL, 1, 4)) FROM t_data;
(1 row)

hll_add_agg(hll_hashval, int32 log2m, int32 regwidth, int64 expthresh, int32 sparseon)

Description: Groups hashed data into HLL and sets the parameters log2m, regwidth, expthresh, and sparseon in sequence. The value of sparseon is 0 or 1.

Return type: hll


 SELECT hll_cardinality(hll_add_agg(hll_hash_text(c), NULL, 1, 4, 0)) FROM t_data;
(1 row)


Description: Perform the UNION operation on multiple pieces of data of the hll type to obtain one HLL.

Return type: hll


Perform the UNION operation on data of the HLL type in each group to obtain one HLL, and calculate the number of distinct values:

SELECT #hll_union_agg(c) as cardinality FROM t_a_c_hll;
(1 row)


To perform UNION on data in multiple HLLs, ensure that the HLLs have the same precision. Otherwise, UNION cannot be performed. This restriction also applies to the hll_union(hll, hll) function.