Hot and Cold Table Functions

pg_obs_cold_refresh_time(table_name, time)

Description: Modifies the time when cold data in a multi-temperature table is migrated to OBS. The default value is 00:00 every day.

table_name indicates the name of the multi-temperature table, and the type is Name. time indicates the time when the data switchover task is scheduled, and the type is Time.

Return value: SUCCESS. The time is successfully modified.


SELECT * FROM pg_obs_cold_refresh_time('lifecycle_table', '06:30:00');
(1 row)


Description: Switches hot data to cold data on all hot and cold tables (in OBS).

Return type: int

Fields in the returned value

  • success_count int: indicates the number of tables that are successfully switched.

  • failed_count int: indicates the number of tables that fail to be switched.


SELECT * FROM pg_refresh_storage();
 success_count | failed_count
             1 |            0
(1 row)


Description: Views the data distribution of a cold or hot table.

table_name indicates the table name and cannot be left blank.

Return value: record

Example: Multiple records are generated based on the number of nodes. The following example shows the data distribution in the w1 table when there is only one DN node.

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_lifecycle_table_data_distribute('w1');
 schemaname | tablename | nodename | hotpartition | coldpartition | switchablepartition | hotdatasize | colddatasize | switchabledatasize
 public     | w1        | dn_1     | p2           | p1            |                     | 80 KB       | 0 bytes      | 0 bytes
(1 row)


Description: Views the data distribution of all hot and cold tables.

Return value: record

Example: There are two cold and hot tables in the database. The data distribution is as follows:

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_lifecycle_node_data_distribute();
 schemaname | tablename | nodename | hotpartition | coldpartition | switchablepartition | hotdatasize | colddatasize | switchabledatasize
 public     | w1        | dn_1     | p2           | p1            |                     |       81920 |            0 |                  0
 public     | w2        | dn_1     | p2           | p1            |                     |       81920 |            0 |                  0
(2 rows)