Database Object Size Functions

Database object size functions calculate the actual disk space used by database objects.


Description: Specifies the number of bytes used to store a particular value (possibly compressed).

Return type: integer

Note: pg_column_size displays the space for storing an independent data value.

SELECT pg_column_size(1);
(1 row)


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the database with the specified OID.

Return type: bigint


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the database with the specified name.

Return type: bigint

Note: pg_database_size receives the OID or name of a database and returns the disk space used by the corresponding object.


SELECT pg_database_size('gaussdb');
(1 row)


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the table with a specified OID or index.

Return type: bigint


Description: Estimates the total size of non-compressed data in the current database.

Return type: bigint

Note: (1) ANALYZE must be performed before this function is called. (2) Calculate the total size of non-compressed data by estimating the compression rate of column-store tables.


SELECT get_db_source_datasize();
(1 row)


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the table with a specified name or index. The table name can be schema-qualified.

Return type: bigint

pg_relation_size(relation regclass, fork text)

Description: Specifies the disk space used by the specified bifurcating tree ('main', 'fsm', or 'vm') of a certain table or index.

Return type: bigint

pg_relation_size(relation regclass)

Description: Is an abbreviation of pg_relation_size(..., 'main').

Return type: bigint

Note: pg_relation_size receives the OID or name of a table, index, or compressed table, and returns the size.


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the partition with a specified OID. The first oid is the OID of the table and the second oid is the OID of the partition.

Return type: bigint

pg_partition_size(text, text)

Description: Specifies the disk space used by the partition with a specified name. The first text is the table name and the second text is the partition name.

Return type: bigint


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the index of the partition with a specified OID. The first oid is the OID of the table and the second oid is the OID of the partition.

Return type: bigint


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the index of the partition with a specified name. The first text is the table name and the second text is the partition name.

Return type: bigint


Description: Specifies the total disk space used by the index appended to the specified table.

Return type: bigint


Description: Converts the calculated byte size into a size readable to human beings.

Return type: text


Description: Converts the calculated byte size indicated by a numeral into a size readable to human beings.

Return type: text

Note: pg_size_pretty formats the results of other functions into a human-readable format. KB/MB/GB/TB can be used.


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the specified table, excluding indexes (but including TOAST, free space mapping, and visibility mapping).

Return type: bigint


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the table with a specified OID, including the index and the compressed data.

Return type: bigint


Description: Specifies the total disk space used by the specified table, including all indexes and TOAST data.

Return type: bigint


Description: Specifies the disk space used by the table with a specified name, including the index and the compressed data. The table name can be schema-qualified.

Return type: bigint

Note: pg_total_relation_size receives the OID or name of a table or a compressed table, and returns the sizes of the data, related indexes, and the compressed table in bytes.