
Insert one or more rows of data into an HStore table.


  • If the data to be inserted at a time is greater than or equal to the value of the table-level parameter DELTAROW_THRESHOLD, the data is directly inserted into the primary table to generate a compression unit (CU).

  • If the data to be inserted is smaller than DELTAROW_THRESHOLD, a record of the type I will be inserted into the delta table. The data will be serialized and stored in the values field of the record.

  • CUIDs are allocated to the data in the delta table and the primary table in a unified manner.

  • The data inserted into the delta table depends on AUTOVACUUM to merge to primary table CUs.


INSERT [/*+ plan_hint */] [ IGNORE | OVERWRITE ] INTO table_name [ AS alias ] [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]
    | VALUES {( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) }[, ...] | query }


  • table_name

    Specifies the name of the target table.

    Value range: an existing table name

  • AS

    Specifies an alias for the target table table_name. alias indicates the alias name.

  • column_name

    Specifies the name of a column in a table.

  • query

    Specifies a query statement (SELECT statement) that uses the query result as the inserted data.


Create the reason_t1 table.

-- Create the reason_t1 table.
CREATE TABLE reason_t1
    TABLE_SK          INTEGER               ,
    TABLE_ID          VARCHAR(20)           ,
    TABLE_NA          VARCHAR(20)

Insert a record into a table.

INSERT INTO reason_t1(TABLE_SK, TABLE_ID, TABLE_NA) VALUES (1, 'S01', 'StudentA');

Insert records into the table.

INSERT INTO reason_t1 VALUES (1, 'S01', 'StudentA'),(2, 'T01', 'TeacherA'),(3, 'T02', 'TeacherB');
SELECT * FROM reason_t1 ORDER BY 1;
        1 |      S01 |   StudentA
        2 |      T01 |   TeacherA
        3 |      T02 |   TeacherB
(3 rows)