SQLBindParameter is used to associate (bind) parameter markers in an SQL statement to a buffer.
SQLRETURN SQLBindParameter(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
SQLUSMALLINT ParameterNumber,
SQLSMALLINT InputOutputType,
SQLSMALLINT ParameterType,
SQLULEN ColumnSize,
SQLSMALLINT DecimalDigits,
SQLPOINTER ParameterValuePtr,
SQLLEN BufferLength,
SQLLEN *StrLen_or_IndPtr);
Keyword | Description |
StatementHandle | Statement handle. |
ParameterNumber | Parameter marker number, starting at 1 and increasing in an ascending order. |
InputOutputType | Input/output type of the parameter. |
ValueType | C data type of the parameter. |
ParameterType | SQL data type of the parameter. |
ColumnSize | Size of the column or expression of the corresponding parameter marker. |
DecimalDigits | Digital number of the column or the expression of the corresponding parameter marker. |
ParameterValuePtr | Pointer to the storage parameter buffer. |
BufferLength | Size of the ParameterValuePtr buffer in bytes. |
StrLen_or_IndPtr | Pointer to the length or indicator of the buffer. If StrLen_or_IndPtr is null, no length or indicator is used. |
Return Values¶
SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call succeeded.
SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates some warning information is displayed.
SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection failures.
SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. Values returned by other APIs are similar to the preceding values.
If SQLBindCol returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can then call SQLGetDiagRec, with HandleType and Handle set to SQL_HANDLE_STMT and StatementHandle, respectively, to obtain the SQLSTATE value. The SQLSTATE value provides the detailed function calling information.
See Examples.