PG_VIEWS displays basic information about each view in the database.
Name | Type | Reference | Description |
schemaname | name | PG_NAMESPACE.nspname | Name of the schema that contains the view |
viewname | name | PG_CLASS.relname | View name |
viewowner | name | PG_AUTHID.Erolname | Owner of the view |
definition | text |
| Definition of the view |
Query all the views in a specified schema.
SELECT * FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname = 'myschema';
schemaname | viewname | viewowner | definition
myschema | myview | dbadmin | SELECT * FROM pg_tablespace WHERE (pg_tablespace.spcname = 'pg_default'::name);
myschema | v1 | dbadmin | SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (t1.c1 > 200);
(2 rows)