Branch Statements


Figure 1 shows the syntax diagram.

**Figure 1** case_when::=

Figure 1 case_when::=

Figure 2 shows the syntax diagram for when_clause.

**Figure 2** when_clause::=

Figure 2 when_clause::=

Parameter description:

  • case_expression: specifies the variable or expression.

  • when_expression: specifies the constant or conditional expression.

  • statement: specifies the statement to execute.


CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_case_branch(pi_result in integer, pi_return out integer)
        CASE pi_result
            WHEN 1 THEN
                pi_return := 111;
            WHEN 2 THEN
                pi_return := 222;
            WHEN 3 THEN
                pi_return := 333;
            WHEN 6 THEN
                pi_return := 444;
            WHEN 7 THEN
                pi_return := 555;
            WHEN 8 THEN
                pi_return := 666;
            WHEN 9 THEN
                pi_return := 777;
            WHEN 10 THEN
                pi_return := 888;
                pi_return := 999;
        END CASE;
        raise info 'pi_return : %',pi_return ;

CALL proc_case_branch(3,0);

-- Delete the stored procedure:
DROP PROCEDURE proc_case_branch;