
  1. After a new job is created, this job belongs to the current coordinator only, that is, this job can be scheduled and executed only on the current coordinator. Other coordinators will not schedule or execute this job. All coordinators can query, modify, and delete jobs created on other CNs.

  2. Create, update, and delete jobs only using the procedures provided by the DBMS_JOB package. These procedures synchronize job information between different CNs and associate primary keys between the pg_jobs tables. If you use DML statements to add, delete, or modify records in the pg_jobs table, job information will become inconsistent between CNs and system tables may fail to be associated, compromising internal job management.

  3. Each user-created task is bound to a CN. If the automatic migration function is not enabled, task statuses cannot be updated in real time when the CN is faulty during task execution. When a CN fails, all jobs on this CN cannot be scheduled or executed until the CN is restored manually. Enable the automatic migration function on CNs, so that jobs on the faulty CN will be migrated to other CNs for scheduling.

  4. For each job, the hosting CN updates the real-time job information (including the job status, last execution start time, last execution end time, next execution start time, the number of execution failures if any) to the pg_jobs table, and synchronizes the information to other CNs, ensuring consistent job information between different CNs. In the case of CN failures, job information synchronization is reattempted by the hosting CNs, which increases job execution time. Although job information fails to be synchronized between CNs, job information can still be properly updated in the pg_jobs table on the hosting CNs, and jobs can be executed successfully. After a CN recovers, job information such as job execution time and status in its pg_jobs table may be incorrect and will be updated only after the jobs are executed again on related CNs.

  5. For each job, a thread is established to execute it. If multiple jobs are triggered concurrently as scheduled, the system will need some time to start the required threads, resulting in a latency of 0.1 ms in job execution.

  6. The length of the SQL statement to be executed in a job is limited. The maximum length is 8 KB.