Using gs_restore to Import Data¶
gs_restore is an import tool provided by GaussDB(DWS). You can use gs_restore to import the files exported by gs_dump to a database. gs_restore can import the files in .tar, custom, or directory format.
gs_restore can:
Import data to a database.
If a database is specified, data is imported to the database. If multiple databases are specified, the password for connecting to each database also needs to be specified.
Import data to a script.
If no database is specified, a script containing the SQL statement to recreate the database is created and written to a file or standard output. This script output is equivalent to the plain text output of gs_dump.
You can specify and sort the data to be imported.
gs_restore incrementally imports data by default. To avoid data exceptions caused by consecutive imports, use the -e and -c parameters for each import. This will delete existing data from the target database before each import and exit the import task with an error message (which is displayed after the import process is complete) before proceeding with the next import.
Log in to the server as the root user and run the following command to go to the data storage path:
cd /opt/bin
Use gs_restore to import all object definitions from the exported file of the whole postgres database to the backupdb database.
gs_restore -W password -U jack /home//backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -s -e -c
Table 1 Common parameters¶ Parameter
Example Value
Username for database connection.
-U jack
User password for database connection.
This parameter is not required for database administrators if the trust policy is used for authentication.
If you connect to the database without specifying this parameter and you are not a database administrator, you will be prompted to enter the password.
-W Password
Database to which data will be imported.
-d backupdb
TCP port or the local Unix-domain socket file extension on which the server is listening for connections.
-p 8000
Cluster address: If a public network address is used for connection, set this parameter to Public Network Address or Public Network Domain Name. If a private network address is used for connection, set this parameter to Private Network Address or Private Network Domain Name.
Exits the current import task and performs the next if an error occurs when you send a SQL statement in the current import task. Error messages are displayed after the import process is complete.
Cleans existing objects from the target database before the import.
Imports only object definitions in schemas and does not import data. Sequence values will also not be imported.
For details about other parameters, see "Server Tools > gs_restore" in the Tool Reference.
Example 1: Run gs_restore to import data and all object definitions of the postgres database from the MPPDB_backup.dmp file (custom format).
gs_restore -W password backup/MPPDB_backup.dmp -p 8000 -h -d backupdb
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:16:26]: restore operation successfu
gs_restore: total time: 13053 ms
Example 2: Run gs_restore to import data and all object definitions of the postgres database from the MPPDB_backup.tar file.
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -h -d backupdb
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:21:32]: restore operation successful
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:21:32]: total time: 21203 ms
Example 3: Run gs_restore to import data and all object definitions of the postgres database from the MPPDB_backup directory.
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup -p 8000 -h -d backupdb
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:26:46]: restore operation successful
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:26:46]: total time: 21003 ms
Example 4: Run gs_restore to import all object definitions of the postgres database from the MPPDB_backup.tar file. Table data is not imported.
gs_restore -W password /home//backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -s -e -c
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:46:27]: restore operation successful
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:46:27]: total time: 32993 ms
Example 5: Run gs_restore to import data and all definitions in the PUBLIC schema from the MPPDB_backup.dmp file. Existing objects are deleted from the target database before the import. If an existing object references to an object in another schema, you need to manually delete the referenced object first.
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.dmp -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -e -c -n PUBLIC
gs_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
gs_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 313; 1259 337399 TABLE table1 gaussdba
gs_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: cannot drop table table1 because other objects depend on it
DETAIL: view t1.v1 depends on table table1
HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
Command was: DROP TABLE public.table1;
Manually delete the referenced object and create it again after the import is complete.
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.dmp -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -e -c -n PUBLIC
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:52:26]: restore operation successful
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:52:26]: total time: 2203 ms
Example 6: Run gs_restore to import the definition of the hr.staffs table in the PUBLIC schema from the MPPDB_backup.dmp file. Before the import, the hr.staffs table does not exist.
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.dmp -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -e -c -s -n PUBLIC -t hr.staffs
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:56:29]: restore operation successful
gs_restore[2017-07-21 19:56:29]: total time: 21000 ms
Example 7: Run gs_restore to import data of the hr.staffs table in PUBLIC schema from the MPPDB_backup.dmp file. Before the import, the hr.staffs table is empty.
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.dmp -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -e -a -n PUBLIC -t hr.staffs
gs_restore[2017-07-21 20:12:32]: restore operation successful
gs_restore[2017-07-21 20:12:32]: total time: 20203 ms
Example 8: Run gs_restore to import the definition of the hr.staffs table. Before the import, the hr.staffs table already exists.
human_resource=# select * from hr.staffs;
staff_id | first_name | last_name | email | phone_number | hire_date | employment_id | salary | commission_pct | manager_id | section_id
200 | Jennifer | Whalen | JWHALEN | 515.123.4444 | 1987-09-17 00:00:00 | AD_ASST | 4400.00 | | 101 | 10
201 | Michael | Hartstein | MHARTSTE | 515.123.5555 | 1996-02-17 00:00:00 | MK_MAN | 13000.00 | | 100 | 20
gsql -d human_resource -p 8000
gsql ((GaussDB 8.1.3 build 39137c2d) compiled at 2022-04-01 15:43:11 commit 3629 last mr 5138 release)
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.
human_resource=# drop table hr.staffs CASCADE;
NOTICE: drop cascades to view hr.staff_details_view
gs_restore -W password /home//backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -h human_resource -n hr -t staffs -s -e
restore operation successful
total time: 904 ms
human_resource=# select * from hr.staffs;
staff_id | first_name | last_name | email | phone_number | hire_date | employment_id | salary | commission_pct | manager_id | section_id
(0 rows)
Example 9: Run gs_restore to import data and definitions of the staffs and areas tables. Before the import, the staffs and areas tables do not exist.
human_resource=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Storage
hr | employment_history | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | employments | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | places | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | sections | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | states | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
(5 rows)
gs_restore -W password /home/mppdb/backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -h -d human_resource -n hr -t staffs -n hr -t areas
restore operation successful
total time: 724 ms
human_resource=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Storage
hr | areas | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | employment_history | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | employments | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | places | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | sections | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | staffs | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
hr | states | table | | {orientation=row,compression=no}
(7 rows)
human_resource=# select * from hr.areas;
area_id | area_name
4 | Iron
1 | Wood
2 | Lake
3 | Desert
(4 rows)
Example 10: Run gs_restore to import data and all object definitions in the hr schema.
gs_restore -W password /home//backup/MPPDB_backup1.sql -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -n hr -e -c
restore operation successful
total time: 702 ms
Example 11: Run gs_restore to import all object definitions in the hr and hr1 schemas to the backupdb database.
gs_restore -W password /home//backup/MPPDB_backup2.dmp -p 8000 -h -d backupdb -n hr -n hr1 -s
restore operation successful
total time: 665 ms
Example 12: Run gs_restore to decrypt the files exported from the human_resource database and import them to the backupdb database.
create database backupdb;
gs_restore /home//backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -h -d backupdb --with-key=1234567812345678
restore operation successful
total time: 23472 ms
gsql -d backupdb -p 8000 -r
gsql ((GaussDB 8.1.3 build 39137c2d) compiled at 2022-04-01 15:43:11 commit 3629 last mr 5138 release)
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.
backupdb=# select * from hr.areas;
area_id | area_name
4 | Iron
1 | Wood
2 | Lake
3 | Desert
(4 rows)
Example 13: user 1 does not have the permission to import data from an exported file to the backupdb database and role1 has this permission. To import the exported data to the backupdb database, you can set --role to role1 in the gs_restore command.
human_resource=# CREATE USER user1 IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
gs_restore -U user1 -W password /home//backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -h -d backupdb --role role1 --rolepassword password
restore operation successful
total time: 554 ms
gsql -d backupdb -p 8000 -r
gsql ((GaussDB 8.1.3 build 39137c2d) compiled at 2022-04-01 15:43:11 commit 3629 last mr 5138 release)
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.
backupdb=# select * from hr.areas;
area_id | area_name
4 | Iron
1 | Wood
2 | Lake
3 | Desert
(4 rows)