From MySQL to GaussDB(for MySQL) Primary/Standby

Supported Source and Destination Databases

Table 1 Supported databases

Source DB

Destination DB

  • On-premises databases (MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0)

  • ECS databases (MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0)

  • Other cloud databases (MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0)

  • RDS for MySQL (5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 8.0)

  • GaussDB(for MySQL) primary/standby

Supported Migration Objects

Different types of migration tasks support different migration objects. For details, see Table 2. DRS will automatically check the objects you selected before the migration.

Table 2 Migration objects



Migration objects

  • Object level: table Level, database level, or instance level (full migration).

  • Supported migration objects:

    • Databases, tables, users, views, indexes, constraints, functions, stored procedures, triggers, and events

    • The system database and event statuses cannot be migrated.

    • Tables with storage engine different to MyISAM and InnoDB tables cannot be migrated.

    • Associated objects must be migrated at the same time to avoid migration failure caused by missing associated objects. Common dependencies: tables referenced by views, views referenced by views, views and tables referenced by stored procedures/functions/triggers, and tables referenced by primary and foreign keys

    • Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index.


    The objects that can be migrated have the following constraints:

    • The source database name, table name, and view name cannot contain non-ASCII characters or special characters '<>`/\"

    • The source database name cannot start with ib_logfile and cannot be ib_buffer_pool or ibtmp1.

Database Account Permission Requirements

To start a migration task, the source and destination database users must have permissions listed in the following table. Different types of migration tasks require different permissions. For details, see Table 3. DRS automatically checks the database account permissions in the pre-check phase and provides handling suggestions.

Table 3 Database account permission


Full Migration

Full+Incremental Migration

Source database user

The user must have the following minimum permissions:


The user must have the SELECT permission for mysql.user.

The user must have the following minimum permissions:


The user must have the SELECT permission for mysql.user.

Destination database user

The user must have the following minimum permissions:

SELECT, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, INDEX, EVENT, CREATE VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, TRIGGER, REFERENCES, and WITH GRANT OPTION. If the destination database version is in the range 8.0.14 to 8.0.18, the SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN permission is required.

To migrate data, you must have the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions for the MySQL database.



  • When a task is being started or in the full migration phase, do not perform DDL operations on the source database. Otherwise, the task may be abnormal.

  • To maintain data consistency before and after the migration, do not write data to the source and destination databases in the full migration mode. In the full+incremental migration mode, you can continue the migration while data is still being written to the source database.

  • The success of database migration depends on environment and manual operations. To ensure a smooth migration, perform a migration trial before you start the migration to help you detect and resolve problems in advance.

  • Start your migration task during off-peak hours. A less active database is easier to migrate successfully. If the data is fairly static, there is less likely to be any severe performance impacts during the migration.

    • If network bandwidth is not limited, the query rate of the source database increases by about 50 MB/s during full migration, and two to four CPUs are occupied.

    • The data being migrated may be locked by other transactions for a long period of time, resulting in read timeout.

    • Due to the inherent characteristics of MySQL, in certain scenarios the performance may be negatively affected. For example, if the CPU resources are insufficient and the storage engine is TokuDB, the read speed on tables may be decreased by 10%.

    • If DRS concurrently reads data from a database, it will use about 6 to 10 sessions. The impact of the connections on services must be considered.

    • If you read a table, especially a large table, during the full migration, the exclusive lock on that table may be blocked.

  • Data-Level Comparison

    To obtain accurate comparison results, start data comparison at a specified time point during off-peak hours. If it is needed, select Start at a specified time for Comparison Time. Due to slight time difference and continuous operations on data, data inconsistency may occur, reducing the reliability and validity of the comparison results.


The full+incremental migration process consists of four phases: task startup, full synchronization, incremental synchronization, and task completion. A single full migration task contains three phases. To ensure smooth migration, read the following precautions before creating a migration task.

Table 4 Precautions



Starting a task

  • Source database requirements:

    • The binlog of the source database must be enabled and use the row-based format during incremental migration.

    • If the storage space is sufficient, store the source database binlogs for as long as possible. The recommended retention period is three days.

    • If the expire_logs_days value of the source database is set to 0, the migration may fail. Set expire_logs_day to a proper value to ensure that the binlog does not expire before data transfer resumes. This ensures that services can be recovered after interruption.

    • During an incremental migration, the server_id value of the MySQL source database must be set. If the source database version is MySQL 5.6 or earlier, the server_id value ranges from 2 to 4294967296. If the source database is MySQL 5.7 or later, the server_id value ranges from 1 to 4294967296.

    • Enable skip-name-resolve for the source database to reduce the possibility of connection timeout.

    • Enable GTID for the source database. If GTID is not enabled for the source database, primary/standby switchover is not supported. DRS tasks will be interrupted and cannot be restored during a switchover.

    • The log_slave_updates parameter of the source database must be enabled. Otherwise, the migration fails.

    • The binlog_row_image parameter value of the source database must be FULL. Otherwise, the migration fails.

  • Source database object requirements:

    • If the source database is an on-premises database and has Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.x or Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.x installed, the memory manager must use Jemalloc to prevent Out of Memory errors caused by frequent queries on system tables.

    • The source database does not support the mysql binlog dump command.

    • The source database does not support the reset master or reset master to command, which may cause DRS task failures or data inconsistency.

    • Associated objects must be migrated at the same time to avoid migration failure caused by missing associated objects.

    • Cascade operations cannot be performed on tables with foreign keys. If the foreign key index of a table is a common index, the table structure may fail to be created. You are advised to use a unique index.

    • Due to the MySQL constraints, if the one-time event triggering time of the source database is earlier than the migration start time, the event will not be migrated to the destination database.

  • Destination database parameter requirements:

    • The destination DB instance is running properly.

    • The destination DB instance must have sufficient storage space.

    • You are advised to use the row-based binlog in the destination database. Otherwise, an error may occur during an incremental migration.

    • The destination database isolation level must be set to at least read committed.

    • During migration, a large amount of data is written to the destination database. If the value of the max_allowed_packet parameter of the destination database is too small, data cannot be written. You are advised to set the max_allowed_packet parameter to a value greater than 100 MB.

    • Enable GTID of the destination database.

    • The character sets of the source and destination databases must be the same. Otherwise, the migration fails.

    • The log_bin_trust_function_creators parameter value of the destination database must be set to on. Otherwise, the migration fails.

    • The value of server_uuid of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. Otherwise, the incremental migration fails.

    • The collation_server values of the destination database and source database must be the same. Otherwise, the migration may fail.

    • The value of time_zone of the destination database must be the same as that of the source database. Otherwise, the migration may fail.

    • The sql_mode values of the destination database and source database must be the same. Otherwise, the migration may fail.

    • The innodb_strict_mode values of the destination database and source database must be the same. Otherwise, the migration may fail.

    • The lower_case_table_names values of the source and destination databases must be the same. Otherwise, the migration fails.

  • Destination database object requirements:

    • The destination DB instance cannot contain databases with the same name as the source databases (except the MySQL system database).

  • Other notes:

    • The table without a primary key lacks a unique identifier for rows. When the network is unstable, you may need to retry the task several times, or data inconsistency may occur.

    • The destination database cannot be restored to a point in time when a full migration was being performed.

    • If the source DB instance is an RDS MySQL instance, tables encrypted using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) cannot be synchronized.

    • If the source MySQL database does not support TLS 1.2 or is a self-built database of an earlier version (earlier than 5.6.46 or between 5.7 and 5.7.28), you need to submit an O&M application for testing the SSL connection.

    • The destination database of a migration task can be set to Read-only or Read/Write.

      Read-only: During the migration, the destination database is read-only. After the migration is complete, it restores to the read/write status. This option ensures the integrity and success rate of data migration.

      Read/Write: During the migration, the destination instance can be queried or modified. Data being migrated may be modified when operations are performed or applications are connected. It should be noted that background processes can often generate or modify data, which may result in data conflicts, task faults, and upload failures. Do not select this option if you do not fully understand the risks.

Full migration

  • During task startup and full migration, do not perform DDL operations on the source database. Otherwise, the task may be abnormal.

  • During migration, do not modify or delete the usernames, passwords, permissions, or ports of the source and destination databases.

  • During migration, do not modify the destination database (including but not limited to DDL and DML operations) that is being migrated.

  • During migration, do not write the statement-based binlog into the source database.

  • During migration, do not clear the binlog in the source database.

  • During migration, do not create a database named ib_logfile in the source database.

Incremental migration

  • During migration, do not modify or delete the usernames, passwords, permissions, or ports of the source and destination databases.

  • During migration, do not modify the destination database (including but not limited to DDL and DML operations) that is being migrated.

  • During migration, do not write the statement-based binlog into the source database.

  • During migration, do not clear the binlog in the source database.

  • During migration, do not create a database named ib_logfile on the source side.

  • During an incremental migration of table-level objects, renaming tables is not supported.

  • During an incremental migration, do not perform the point-in-time recovery (PITR) operation on the source database.

  • During an incremental migration, resumable upload is supported. However, data may be repeatedly inserted into a non-transactional table that does not have a primary key when the server system breaks down.

  • DDL statements are supported in the incremental migration phase.

Stopping a task

  • Stop a task normally.

    • The selected events and triggers are migrated while the migration task proceeds to the final stage. Before a task is completed, ensure that the source and destination databases are connected and pay attention to the migration status reported by the migration log.

  • Forcibly stop a task.

    • If you forcibly stop a task, DRS resources will be released and triggers and events will not be migrated. You need to manually migrate triggers, events, and events. If you want DRS to migrate triggers and events, restore the DRS task first. After the task status becomes normal, stop the task.



  1. On the Online Migration Management page, click Create Migration Task.

  2. On the Create Replication Instance page, configure task details, description, and the replication instance, and click Next.

    • Task information description

      Table 5 Task information




      The region where the replication instance is deployed. You can change the region. To reduce latency and improve access speed, select the region closest to your services.


      The project corresponds to the current region and can be changed.

      Task Name

      The task name must start with a letter and consist of 4 to 50 characters. It can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).


      The description consists of a maximum of 256 characters and cannot contain special characters !=<>'&"\

    • Replication instance information

      Table 6 Replication instance settings



      Data Flow

      Select To the cloud.

      The destination is a DB instance on the current cloud.

      Source DB Engine

      Select MySQL.

      Destination DB Engine

      Select GaussDB(for MySQL) Primary/Standby Edition.

      Network Type

      Available options: VPC, Public network, and VPN or Direct Connect. By default, the value is Public network.

      • VPC is suitable for migrations of cloud databases in the same region.

      • VPN and Direct Connect are suitable for migrations from on-premises databases to cloud databases or between cloud databases across regions.

      • Public network is suitable for migration from on-premises databases or external cloud databases to destination databases.

      Destination DB Instance

      The GaussDB(for MySQL) primary/standby instance you created.

      Replication Instance Subnet

      The subnet where the replication instance resides. You can also click View Subnet to go to the network console to view the subnet where the instance resides.

      By default, the DRS instance and the destination DB instance are in the same subnet. You need to select the subnet where the DRS instance resides, and there are available IP addresses for the subnet. To ensure that the replication instance is successfully created, only subnets with DHCP enabled are displayed.

      Migration Type

      • Full: This migration type is suitable for scenarios where service interruption is acceptable. All objects in non-system databases are migrated to the destination database at one time, including tables, views, stored procedures, and triggers.


        If you are performing a full migration, do not perform operations on the source database. Otherwise, data generated in the source database during the migration will not be synchronized to the destination database.

      • Full+Incremental: This migration type allows you to migrate data without interrupting services. After a full migration initializes the destination database, an incremental migration initiates and parses logs to ensure data consistency between the source and destination databases.


        If you select Full+Incremental, data generated during the full migration will be continuously synchronized to the destination database, and the source remains accessible.

      Destination Database Access

      • Read-only

        During migration, the destination database is read-only. After the migration is complete, it restores to the read/write status. This option ensures the integrity and success rate of data migration.

      • Read/Write

        During the migration, the destination database can be queried or modified. Data being migrated may be modified when operations are performed or applications are connected. It should be noted that background processes can often generate or modify data, which may result in data conflicts, task faults, and upload failures. Do not select this option if you do not fully understand the risks. Set the destination database to Read/Write only when you need to modify other data in the database during the migration.

        The task cannot be modified after being created.

    • Tags

      Table 7 Tags




      • Tags a task. This configuration is optional. Adding tags helps you better identify and manage your tasks. Each task can have up to 20 tags.

      • After a task is created, you can view its tag details on the Tags tab. For details, see Tag Management.


    If a task fails to be created, DRS retains the task for three days by default. After three days, the task automatically ends.

  3. On the Configure Source and Destination Databases page, wait until the replication instance is created. Then, specify source and destination database information and click Test Connection for both the source and destination databases to check whether they have been connected to the replication instance. After the connection tests are successful, select the check box before the agreement and click Next.

    • Source database configuration

      Table 8 Source database settings



      IP Address or Domain Name

      The IP address or domain name of the source database.


      The port of the source database. Range: 1 - 65535

      Database Username

      The username for accessing the source database.

      Database Password

      The password for the database username.

      SSL Connection

      SSL encrypts the connections between the source and destination databases. If SSL is enabled, upload the SSL CA root certificate.


      • The maximum size of a single certificate file that can be uploaded is 500 KB.

      • If SSL is disabled, your data may be at risk.


      The IP address, domain name, username, and password of the source database are encrypted and stored in DRS, and will be cleared after the task is deleted.

    • Destination database configuration

      Table 9 Destination database settings



      DB Instance Name

      The GaussDB(for MySQL) primary/standby instance selected during the migration task creation and cannot be changed.

      Database Username

      The username for accessing the destination database.

      Database Password

      The password for the database username.

      Migrate Definer to User


      The username and password of the destination database are encrypted and stored in DRS, and will be cleared after the task is deleted.

  4. On the Set Task page, select migration objects and click Next.

    Table 10 Migration object



    Flow Control

    You can choose whether to control the flow.

    • Yes

      You can customize the maximum migration speed.

      In addition, you can set the time range based on your service requirements. The traffic rate setting usually includes setting of a rate limiting time period and a traffic rate value. Flow can be controlled all day or during specific time ranges. The default value is All day. A maximum of three time ranges can be set, and they cannot overlap.

      The flow rate must be set based on the service scenario and cannot exceed 9,999 MB/s.

    • No

      The migration speed is not limited and the outbound bandwidth of the source database is maximally used, which will increase the read burden on the source database. For example, if the outbound bandwidth of the source database is 100 MB/s and 80% bandwidth is used, the I/O consumption on the source database is 80 MB/s.


      • Flow control mode takes effect only during a full migration.

      • You can also change the flow control mode after creating a task. For details, see Modifying the Flow Control Mode.

    Migrate Account

    During a database migration, accounts need to be migrated separately.

    You can choose whether to migrate the accounts based on service requirements. If you select Yes, you can select the accounts to be migrated as required.

    • Yes

      If you need to migrate accounts, see Migrating Accounts.

    • No

      During migration, accounts, permissions, and passwords are not migrated.

    Migrate Object

    You can choose to migrate all objects, tables, or databases based on your service requirements.

    • All: All objects in the source database are migrated to the destination database. After the migration, the object names will remain the same as those in the source database and cannot be modified.

    • Tables: The selected table-level objects will be migrated.

    • Databases: The selected database-level objects will be migrated.

    If the source database is changed, click image1 in the upper right corner before selecting migration objects to ensure that the objects to be selected are from the changed source database.


    • If you choose not to migrate all of the databases, the migration may fail because the objects, such as stored procedures and views, in the databases to be migrated may have dependencies on other objects that are not migrated. To prevent migration failure, migrate all of the databases.

    • If the object name contains spaces, the spaces before and after the object name are not displayed. If there are multiple spaces between the object name and the object name, only one space is displayed.

    • The name of the selected migration object cannot contain spaces.

    • To quickly select the desired database objects, you can use the search function.

  5. On the Check Task page, check the migration task.

    • If any check fails, review the cause and rectify the fault. After the fault is rectified, click Check Again.

      For details about how to handle check items that fail to pass the pre-check, see Solutions to Failed Check Items.

    • If the check is complete and the check success rate is 100%, click Next.


      You can proceed to the next step only when all checks are successful. If there are any items that require confirmation, view and confirm the details first before proceeding to the next step.

  6. On the displayed page, specify Start Time and confirm that the configured information is correct and click Submit to submit the task.

    Table 11 Task startup settings



    Started Time

    Set Start Time to Start upon task creation or Start at a specified time based on site requirements. The Start at a specified time option is recommended.


    The migration task may affect the performance of the source and destination databases. You are advised to start the task in off-peak hours and reserve two to three days for data verification.

  7. After the task is submitted, view and manage it on the Online Migration Management page.

    • You can view the task status. For more information about task status, see Task Statuses.

    • You can click image2 in the upper right corner to view the latest task status.