Spark Open Source Commands¶
This section describes the open source Spark SQL syntax supported by DLI. For details about the syntax, parameters, and examples, see Spark SQL Syntax.
Function | Syntax Example | DLI Spark 2.4.5 | DLI Spark 3.3.1 |
Creating a database | CREATE DATABASE testDB; | Supported | Supported |
Creating a DLI table | create table if not exists testDB.testTable1( id int, age int, money double ); | Supported | Supported |
Creating an OBS table | create table if not exists testDB.testTable2( id int, age int, money double ) LOCATION 'obs://bucketName/filePath' partitioned by (dt string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' STORED as TEXTFILE; | Supported | Supported |
Inserting test data | insert into table testDB.testTable2 values (1, 18, 3.14, "20240101" ), (2, 18, 3.15, "20240102" ); | Supported | Supported |
Changing database attributes | ALTER DATABASE testDB SET DBPROPERTIES ('Edited-by' = 'John'); | Not supported | Not supported |
Changing the path for storing database files on OBS | ALTER DATABASE testDB SET LOCATION 'obs://bucketName/filePath'; | Not supported | Not supported |
Changing a table name | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 RENAME TO testDB.testTable101; | Supported | Supported |
Changing the name of a partition in a table | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable2 PARTITION ( dt='20240101') RENAME TO PARTITION ( dt='20240103'); It only supports renaming partitions of tables stored in OBS, and the storage path of the table in OBS will not change. | Supported | Supported |
Adding a column | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 ADD COLUMNS (name string); | Supported | Supported |
Dropping a column | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 DROP columns (money); | Not supported | Not supported |
Changing the name of a column | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 RENAME COLUMN age TO years_of_age; | Not supported | Not supported |
Modifying column comments | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 ALTER COLUMN age COMMENT "new comment"; | Not supported | Supported |
Replacing a specified column | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 REPLACE COLUMNS (name string, ID int COMMENT 'new comment'); | Not supported | Not supported |
Customizing table attributes | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('aaa' = 'bbb'); | Supported | Supported |
Adding or modifying table comments | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = 'test'); | Supported | Not supported |
Changing the storage format of a table | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 SET fileformat csv; | Not supported | Not supported |
Deleting a table attribute | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 UNSET TBLPROPERTIES ('test'); | Supported | Supported |
Deleting table comments | ALTER TABLE testDB.testTable1 UNSET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment'); | Supported | Supported |
Displaying column information | DESCRIBE database_name.table_name col_name; Example: DESCRIBE testDB.testTable1 id; | Supported | Supported |
Displaying column information | DESCRIBE table_name table_name.col_name; Example: DESCRIBE testTable1; It only supports viewing the column information for tables in the current database. | Supported | Supported |
Returning metadata information of a query statement | DESCRIBE QUERY SELECT age, sum(age) FROM testDB.testTable1 GROUP BY age; | Not supported | Supported |
Returning metadata information of inserted data | DESCRIBE QUERY VALUES(100, 10, 10000.20D) AS testTable1(id, age, money); | Not supported | Supported |
Returning metadata information of a table | DESCRIBE QUERY TABLE testTable1; | Not supported | Supported |
Returning metadata information of a column in a table | DESCRIBE FROM testTable1 SELECT age; | Not supported | Supported |
Returning the table creation statements for a table | SHOW CREATE TABLE testDB.testTable1 AS SERDE; When executing this statement in Spark 3.3.1, it only applies to query the table creation statements for Hive tables. | Not supported | Supported |
Returning the table creation statements for a table | SHOW CREATE TABLE testDB.testTable1; | Supported | Supported |