Error Codes¶
Status Code | Error Codes | Error Message | Description | Solution |
400 | DIS.4117 | Invalid Project Id. %s | Invalid project ID. | Ensure that the project ID is valid. |
400 | DIS.4200 | Invalid request. %s | Invalid request. | Ensure that the request is invalid by referring to API Reference |
400 | DIS.4201 | Invalid partition_id. %s | Invalid partition ID. | Ensure that the partition ID is valid. |
400 | DIS.4202 | Empty request. | The request is empty. | Enter a valid request. |
400 | DIS.4203 | Invalid monitoring period. %s | The start time for querying the monitoring information is invalid. | Enter a valid timestamp. |
400 | DIS.4204 | The monitoring period cannot be longer than 7 days. | Only the monitoring information generated in the recent seven days can be queried. | Query the monitoring information generated in the recent seven days. |
400 | DIS.4205 | Stream is not running. | The stream is not in the running state. | Check the stream status. |
400 | DIS.4208 | Mrs cluster is invalid. %s | The MRS cluster entered during MRS dump task creation is invalid. | Ensure that the MRS cluster name and ID are correct and the cluster is running in security mode. |
400 | DIS.4209 | Invalid metrics label. %s | The monitoring metric entered during monitoring information query is invalid. | Check and modify the monitoring metric by referring to API Reference. |
400 | DIS.4215 | Invalid cursor type. %s | The cursor type entered during data cursor acquisition is invalid. | Check and modify the cursor type by referring to API Reference. |
400 | DIS.4216 | Invalid sequence_number. %s | The starting sequence number entered during data cursor acquisition is invalid. | Enter a valid starting sequence number. |
400 | DIS.4217 | Invalid partition cursor. %s | The partition cursor entered during data download from DIS is invalid. | Obtain the partition cursor again and download the data. |
400 | DIS.4224 | Sequence_number out of range. %s | The starting sequence number entered during data cursor acquisition is not in a valid range. | Enter a valid starting sequence number. |
400 | DIS.4225 | Expired partition cursor. %s | The partition cursor entered during data download from DIS has expired. | Obtain the partition cursor again and download the data. |
400 | DIS.4226 | A partition iterator error occurred or a record to which the SN corresponds has expired. Try to obtain the partition iterator again. | The starting sequence number of the partition cursor entered during data acquisition has expired. | Obtain the data cursor again and use the new cursor to obtain data. |
400 | DIS.4300 | Request error. | Incorrect request body. | Modify the request body by referring to API Reference. |
400 | DIS.4301 | The stream does not exist. %s | The stream does not exist. | Ensure that the stream exists. |
400 | DIS.4302 | Partition does not exist. %s | The partition does not exist. | Ensure that the partition ID exists. |
400 | DIS.4303 | Exceeded traffic control limit. | The flow control limit is exceeded. | Add the stream or reduce the upload rate. |
400 | DIS.4305 | Too many stream requests. | An excessive number of user requests are generated at the same time. | Reduce the requesting frequency and try again. |
400 | DIS.4306 | Bucket does not exist. %s | The OBS bucket does not exist. | Ensure that the OBS bucket exists. |
400 | DIS.4307 | The stream already exists. | The stream already exists. | Enter a new stream name. |
400 | DIS.4308 | Insufficient quota. | Insufficient stream or partition quotas. | Release the resources that will not be used to ensure that the quota limit is not exceeded or submit a service ticket to increase the quota limit. |
400 | DIS.4309 | Too many request failures. Please try again later. | The IP address is added to the blacklist. | Ensure that the authentication information and request are valid and try again later. |
400 | DIS.4310 | OBS access error. | OBS fails to be accessed. | Ensure that the user has permissions to access OBS. |
400 | DIS.4319 | Partition is expired. %s | The partition has expired. | Use a correct and valid partition. |
400 | DIS.4329 | app quota exceeded. | The application quota exceeds the limit. | Release the applications that are not used. |
400 | DIS.4330 | app already exist. | An application with the same name already exists. | Enter a new application name. |
400 | DIS.4331 | app is using. | The application fails to be deleted. | Ensure that the application that you want to delete is not being used. |
400 | DIS.4332 | app not found. | The application does not exist. | Ensure that the application name is correct. |
400 | DIS.4335 | Invalid IAM agency. | The IAM agency used during dump task creation is invalid. | Ensure that dis_admin_agency created by DIS or the user-defined IAM agency exists and permission is complete. |
400 | DIS.4336 | Invalid HDFS path. | The MRS HDFS path entered during MRS dump task creation is invalid. | Ensure that the MRS HDFS path exists. |
400 | DIS.4337 | The DLI database does not exist. | The DLI database entered during DLI dump task creation does not exist. | Ensure that the DLI database exists. |
400 | DIS.4338 | The DLI table does not exist. | The DLI table entered during DLI dump task creation does not exist. | Ensure that the DLI table exists and is an internal table. |
400 | DIS.4339 | Consumer quota exceeded. | The consumer quota of the consumer group is insufficient. | Allocate consumers properly or create a consumer group to meet the requirement. |
400 | DIS.4341 | The CloudTable cluster does not exist. | The CloudTable cluster entered during CloudTable dump task creation does not exist. | Ensure that the CloudTable cluster exists and is running properly. |
400 | DIS.4342 | The CloudTable table does not exist | The CloudTable table entered during CloudTable dump task creation does not exist. | Ensure that the CloudTable table exists. |
400 | DIS.4343 | The CloudTable table family does not exist. | The CloudTable column family entered during CloudTable dump task creation does not exist. | Ensure that the CloudTable column family exists. |
400 | DIS.4345 | Invalid CloudTable schema. | The schema entered during CloudTable dump task creation is invalid. | Check the schema based on the returned details to ensure that the configured JSON attribute name exists and the parameters are valid. |
400 | DIS.4348 | Invalid CloudTable openTSDB schema. | The schema entered during CloudTable OpenTSDB dump task creation is invalid. | Check the schema based on the returned details to ensure that the configured JSON attribute name exists and the parameters are valid. |
400 | DIS.4350 | Invalid DWS cluster. | The DWS cluster entered during DWS dump task creation does not exist. | Ensure that the DWS cluster exists and is running properly. |
400 | DIS.4351 | Invalid KMS userKey. | The KMS key entered during DWS dump task creation is invalid. | Ensure that the KMS key exists. |
400 | DIS.4354 | The transfer task does not exist. | The dump task to be deleted or updated does not exist. | Ensure that the dump task exists. |
400 | DIS.4355 | The transfer task already exists. | A dump task with the same name already exists. | Enter a new dump task name. |
400 | DIS.4357 | Exceeded transfer task quota. | A maximum of five dump tasks can be created for one stream at the same time. | Delete the discarded dump tasks and then add dump tasks again. |
400 | DIS.4360 | Invalid data schema. | The data schema entered during stream creation or update is invalid. | Ensure that the data schema format is correct and try again. |
400 | DIS.4375 | The app does not commit checkpoint | The application does not submit the checkpoint operation in the stream. | Check whether the application has submitted the checkpoint operation in the consumption stream. |
400 | DIS.4601 | The number of resource tags has reached the maximum. | A maximum of 10 tags can be added to a resource. | Delete the discarded tags and then add tags again. |
400 | DIS.4602 | Invalid resource type. | Invalid resource type. | Ensure that the resource type is valid. |
400 | DIS.4603 | The resource does not exist. | The resource does not exist. | Ensure that the resource exists. |
400 | DIS.4604 | The key does not exist. | The tag key does not exist. | Ensure that the tag key exists. |
400 | DIS.4605 | The action is not supported. | The current tag operation is not supported. | Ensure that the current tag operation is valid. Currently, only the create and delete operations are supported. |
403 | DIS.4116 | Invalid RBAC. %s | User operations are restricted. | Ensure that the account is not in arrears, or has permissions to operate DIS. |
500 | DIS.5000 | System error. | System error. | Contact customer service or technical support to handle system errors. |