Obtaining Data Cursors¶
This API is used to obtain data cursors.
Calling Method¶
For details, see Calling APIs.
GET /v2/{project_id}/cursors
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Project ID |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
stream-name | Yes | String | Name of the stream |
partition-id | Yes | String | Partition identifier of the stream.Two partition ID formats are available:- shardId-0000000000- 0For example, if a stream has three partitions, the partition IDs are 0, 1, and 2, or shardId-0000000000, shardId-0000000001, and shardId-0000000002. |
cursor-type | No | String | Cursor type.- AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER: Data is read from the position denoted by a specific sequence number (that is defined by starting-sequence-number). This type is the default cursor type.- AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER: Data is read right after the position denoted by a specific sequence number (that is defined by starting-sequence-number).- TRIM_HORIZON: Data is read from the earliest valid record stored in the partition. For example, a tenant used a DIS stream to upload three pieces of data A1, A2, and A3. Assuming that A1 expires but A2 and A3 are still valid after a period of time, if the tenant specifies TRIM_HORIZON for downloading data, only A2 and A3 can be downloaded.- LATEST: Data is read just after the most recent record in the partition. This setting ensures that you always read the most recent data in the partition.- AT_TIMESTAMP: Data is read from the position denoted by a specific timestamp. Enumeration values:
starting-sequence-number | No | String | Sequence number. A sequence number is the unique identifier of each record. DIS automatically allocates a sequence number when the data producer calls the PutRecords operation to add data to the DIS stream. The sequence number of the same partition key usually changes with time. A longer interval between PutRecords requests results in a larger sequence number.The sequence number is closely related to cursor types AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER and AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER. The two parameters determine the location of the data to be accessed.Value range: 0 to 9223372036854775807 |
timestamp | No | Long | Timestamp when the data record starts to be read, which is closely related to cursor type AT_TIMESTAMP. The two parameters determine the position of the data to be read. Note: This timestamp is accurate to milliseconds. |
Request Parameters¶
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
X-Auth-Token | Yes | String | User token. It can be obtained by calling the IAM API used to obtain a user token. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the user token. |
Response Parameters¶
Status code: 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
partition_cursor | String | Data cursor Value: 1 to 512 characters. Note: The validity period of a cursor is 5 minutes. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 512 |
Example Requests¶
Obtaining Data Cursors
GET https://{Endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/cursors
Example Responses¶
Status code: 200
Normal response
"partition_cursor" : "eyJnZXRJdGVyYXRvclBhcmFtIjp7InN0cmVhbS1uYW1lIjoianpjIiwicGFydGl0aW9uLWlkIjoiMCIsImN1cnNvci10eXBlIjoiQVRfU0VRVUVOQ0VfTlVNQkVSIiwic3RhcnRpbmctc2VxdWVuY2UtbnVtYmVyIjoiMTAifSwiZ2VuZXJhdGVUaW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1MDYxNTk1NjM0MDV9"
Status Codes¶
Status Code | Description |
200 | Normal response |
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.