Migrating Data from MySQL to OBS


CDM supports table-to-OBS data migration. This section describes how to migrate tables from a MySQL database to OBS. The process is as follows:

  1. Creating a CDM Cluster and Binding an EIP to the Cluster

  2. Creating a MySQL Link

  3. Creating an OBS Link

  4. Creating a Migration Job


  • You have obtained the domain name, port number, AK, and SK for accessing OBS.

  • You have obtained the IP address, port, database name, username, and password for connecting to the MySQL database. In addition, the user must have the read and write permissions on the MySQL database.

  • You have uploaded a MySQL database driver by following the instructions provided in Managing Drivers.

Creating a CDM Cluster and Binding an EIP to the Cluster

  1. Create a CDM cluster by following the instructions in Creating a Cluster.

    The key configurations are as follows:

    The flavor of the CDM cluster is selected based on the amount of data to be migrated. Generally, cdm.medium meets the requirements for most migration scenarios.

  2. After the CDM cluster is created, on the Cluster Management page, click Bind EIP in the Operation column to bind an EIP to the cluster. The CDM cluster uses the EIP to access MySQL.


    If SSL encryption is configured for the access channel of a local data source, CDM cannot connect to the data source using the EIP.

Creating a Migration Job

  1. Choose Table/File Migration > Create Job to create a job for exporting data from the MySQL database to OBS.

    **Figure 2** Creating a job for migrating data from MySQL to OBS

    Figure 2 Creating a job for migrating data from MySQL to OBS

    • Job Name: Enter a unique name.

    • Source Job Configuration

      • Source Link Name: Select the mysqllink created in Creating a MySQL Link.

      • Use SQL Statement: Select No.

      • Schema/Tablespace: name of the schema or tablespace from which data is to be extracted

      • Table Name: name of the table from which data is to be extracted

      • Retain the default values of other optional parameters. For details, see From a Common Relational Database.

    • Destination Job Configuration

      • Destination Link Name: Select the obslink created in Creating an OBS Link.

      • Bucket Name: Select the bucket from which the data will be migrated.

      • Write Directory: Enter the directory to which data is to be written on the OBS server.

      • File Format: Select CSV.

      • Retain the default values of the optional parameters in Show Advanced Attributes. For details, see To OBS.

  2. Click Next. The Map Field page is displayed. CDM automatically matches the source and destination fields, as shown in Figure 3.

    • If the field mapping is incorrect, you can drag the fields to adjust the mapping.

    • The expressions in CDM support field conversion of common character strings, dates, and values.

    **Figure 3** Table-to-file field mapping

    Figure 3 Table-to-file field mapping

  3. Click Next and set task parameters. Generally, retain the default values of all parameters.

    In this step, you can configure the following optional functions:

    • Retry Upon Failure: If the job fails to be executed, you can determine whether to automatically retry. Retain the default value Never.

    • Group: Select the group to which the job belongs. The default group is DEFAULT. On the Job Management page, jobs can be displayed, started, or exported by group.

    • Schedule Execution: To configure scheduled jobs, see Scheduling Job Execution. Retain the default value No.

    • Concurrent Extractors: Enter the number of extractors to be concurrently executed. CDM supports concurrent extraction of MySQL data. If indexes are configured for the source table, you can increase the number of concurrent extractors to accelerate the migration.

    • Write Dirty Data: Specify this parameter if data that fails to be processed or filtered out during job execution needs to be written to OBS for future viewing. Before writing dirty data, create an OBS link. For file-to-table data migration, you are advised to write dirty data.

    • Delete Job After Completion: Retain the default value Do not delete. You can also set this parameter to Delete to prevent an accumulation of too many migration jobs.

  4. Click Save and Run. The Job Management page is displayed, on which you can view the job execution progress and result.

  5. After the job is successfully executed, in the Operation column of the job, click Historical Record to view the job's historical execution records and read/write statistics.

    On the Historical Record page, click Log to view the job logs.