Managing a Notification

You can configure DLF to notify you of job success after it is performed.

Configuring a Notification

Before configuring a notification for a job:

  • Message notification has been enabled and a topic has been configured.

  • A job not in Not Activated status has been submitted.

  1. Log in to the DataArts Studio console. Locate an instance and click Access. On the displayed page, locate a workspace and click DataArts Factory.

    **Figure 1** DataArts Factory

    Figure 1 DataArts Factory

  2. In the navigation pane on the DataArts Factory page, choose Monitoring > Manage Notification.

  3. On the Notification Management tab page, click Configure Notification. In the displayed dialog box, configure parameters. Table 1 describes the parameters.

    Table 1 Notification parameters




    Notification Scope


    Notification scope. Available options include:

    • One job: Notifications are sent for a single job.

    • All jobs: Notifications are sent for all jobs.

    Job Name


    Name of the job.

    Notification Type


    Type of the notification.

    • When Notification Scope is One job, available options for this parameter include:

      • Run abnormally/Fail: When a job cannot run normally or fail to run, a notification is sent to notify the user of the abnormality.

      • Run successfully: When a job runs successfully, a notification is sent to notify the user of the success.

      • Uncompleted: This function supports only the jobs scheduled by day. If the job execution time is later than the configured time by which the job has not finished, a notification is sent.

      • Busy resources: If resources are busy during job execution, a notification is sent.

    • When Notification Scope is All jobs, available options for this parameter include:

      • Run abnormally/Fail: When a job cannot run normally or fail to run, a notification is sent to notify the user of the abnormality.

      • Busy resources: If resources are busy during job execution, a notification is sent.


    For a real-time job, a notification is allowed to be sent only when the real-time job is in the Run abnormally or Failed state. For a batch job, a notification can be sent no matter when the batch job is in the Run normally, Run abnormally, or Failed state.

    Topic Name


    Select a notification topic.


    Currently, only SMS, email, or HTTP are supported to subscribe to topics.



    Whether to enable the notification function. The function is enabled by default.

  4. Click OK.

Editing a Notification

After a notification is created, you can modify the notification parameters as required.

  1. In the navigation pane on the DataArts Factory page, choose Monitoring > Manage Notification.

  2. Click the Notification Management tab.

  3. In the Operation column of a notification, click Edit. In the displayed dialog box, edit notification parameters. Table 1 describes the notification parameters.

  4. Click Yes.

Disabling a Notification

You can disable the notification function on the Edit Notification page or in the notification list.

  1. In the navigation pane on the DataArts Factory page, choose Monitoring > Manage Notification.

  2. Click the Notification Management tab.

  3. In the Notification Function column, click image1. When it changes to image2, the notification function is disabled.

Viewing a Notification

You can view all notification information on the Notification Records tab page.

  1. In the navigation pane on the DataArts Factory page, choose Monitoring > Manage Notification.

  2. Click the Notification Records tab.

Deleting a Notification

If you do not need to use a notification any more, perform the following operations to delete it:

  1. In the navigation pane on the DataArts Factory page, choose Monitoring > Manage Notification.

  2. Click the Notification Management tab.

  3. You can delete a notification in either of the following ways:

    • In the Operation column of a notification, click Delete.

    • Select the notifications to delete and click Batch Delete above the notification list.

  4. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.