
One-Stop Data Operations Platform

DataArts Studio is a one-stop data operations platform that allows you to perform many operations, including integrating data from every domain and connecting data from different data sources. In a word, it can help you build a comprehensive data governance solution.

Diverse Data Development Types

DataArts Studio has a wide range of scheduling configuration policies and powerful job scheduling. It supports online collaborative development among multiple users, online editing and real-time query of SQL and shell scripts, and job development via data processing nodes such as CDM, SQL, MRS, Shell, MLS, and Spark.

Unified Scheduling and O&M

Fully hosted scheduling is supported. Time- and event-based triggering mechanisms are available. You can schedule a task by minute, hour, day, week, or month.

The visualized task O&M center monitors all tasks and supports notification settings, enabling you to obtain real-time task status and ensuring normal running of services.