Link to Kafka¶
By creating a Kafka link, you are able to access open source Kafka and migrate data from Kafka to other data sources as required. Currently, only data export from Kafka is supported.
Sample Link¶
"links": [
"link-config-values": {
"configs": [
"inputs": [
"name": "linkConfig.hadoopType",
"value": "MRS"
"name": "",
"value": ""
"name": "linkConfig.user",
"value": "liuhuan1"
"name": "linkConfig.password",
"value": "Add password here."
"name": "linkConfig.authType",
"value": "KERBEROS"
"name": "linkConfig"
"extended-configs": {
"name": "linkConfig.extendedFields",
"value": "e30="
"name": "mrs_kafka_link",
"connector-name": "kafka-connector"
Link Parameters¶
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
linkConfig.hadoopType | Yes | Enumeration | Hadoop type. The options are as follows:
linkConfig.brokerList | Yes | String | This parameter is mandatory for Apache Kafka links. Kafka broker list in host1:port1,host2:port2 format | | Yes | String | Floating IP address of MRS Manager. Click Select next to the Manager IP text box to select an MRS cluster. CDM automatically fills in the authentication information. |
linkConfig.user | Yes | String | Username used for logging in to MRS Manager. |
linkConfig.password | Yes | String | Password used for logging in to MRS Manager. |
linkConfig.authType | Yes | Enumeration | Authentication method. The options are as follows:
| | No | Map | Properties. You can add configuration properties of the client. Each property must contain a name and a value. |