Adding a Rule with a Predefined Policy


You can create a rule to evaluate your resource compliance. When creating a rule, you can select a built-in policy or custom policy, specify a monitoring scope, and specify the trigger type. Evaluation results are provided for you to check compliance data.

This section describes how to add predefined rules.

Constraints and Limitations

  • You can add up to 500 rules in an account.


To evaluate resources with rules, you need to enable the resource recorder. Resource evaluation is subject to the following rules:

  • If the resource recorder is disabled, no resources will be available for evaluation. You can still view historical evaluation results.

  • If the resource recorder is enabled and a monitoring scope is configured, only resources within the monitoring scope can be evaluated.

For details about how to enable and configure the resource recorder, see Configuring the Resource Recorder.


  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner. Under Management & Deployment, click Config.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resource Compliance.

  4. In the Rules tab, click Add Rule.

    **Figure 1** Adding a rule

    Figure 1 Adding a rule

  5. Configure basic details, and click Next.

    **Figure 2** Basic Configurations

    Figure 2 Basic Configurations

    Table 1 Parameters of basic configurations



    Policy Type

    Select Built-in policy.

    Built-in policies are provided by Config. You can select a built-in policy to quickly add a rule. You can also search for a built-in policy by policy name or tag.

    Rule Name

    By default, the rule name is consistent with the predefined policy name. Rule names must be unique.

    A rule name can contain digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) and cannot exceed 64 characters.


    By default, the rule description is the same as the selected predefined policy description. You can also customize the rule description.

    A rule description can contain any types of characters and cannot exceed 512 characters.

  6. On the displayed Configure Rule Parameters page, configure required parameters and click Next.

    **Figure 3** Configure Rule Parameters

    Figure 3 Configure Rule Parameters

    Table 2 Parameter descriptions



    Trigger Type

    Specifies the conditions under which rules are triggered.

    Possible values are:

    • Configuration change: The rule is triggered when a specific cloud resource is changed.

    • Periodic execution: The rule is triggered at a specific frequency.


      You cannot modify the Trigger Type of predefined policies. The Trigger Type varies depending on different predefined policies.

    Filter Type

    Specifies the resources to be evaluated.

    Possible types are:

    • Specific resources: Resources of a specific type will be evaluated.

    • All resources: All resources from your account will be evaluated.

    This parameter is mandatory only when Trigger Type is set to Configuration change.

    Resource Scope

    If you set Filter Type to Specific resources, you need to specify a resource scope.

    • Service: The service that the resource belongs to.

    • Resource type: The resource type

    • Region: The region where the resource resides.

    You only need to configure this parameter when Trigger Type is set to Configuration change and Filter Type is set to Specific resources.

    (Optional) Filter Scope

    After you enable Filter Scope, you can filter resources by resource ID or tag.

    You can specify a specific resource for compliance evaluation.

    This parameter is optional for a rule whose trigger type is configuration change.

    Execute Every

    Indicates how often a rule is triggered.

    Available options: 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours.

    This parameter is mandatory only when Trigger Type is set to Periodic execution.

    Configure Rule Parameters

    Parameters of a built-in policy.

    For example, if you select the required-tag-check policy, you need to specify a tag, so that resources that do not have the tag will be determined as noncompliant.

    Some default policies, such as volumes-encrypted-check, do not require Configure Rule Parameters.

  7. On the Confirm page displayed, confirm the rule information and click Submit.

    **Figure 4** Confirming rule configurations

    Figure 4 Confirming rule configurations


    After you add a rule, the first evaluation is automatically triggered immediately.