Creating and Authorizing a User on the OpenSearch Dashboards


The security mode has been enabled for the OpenSearch cluster.


Table 1 Parameters for creating and authorizing a user on Kibana




Single permission, for example, creating an index (for example, indices:admin/create)

Action group

A group of permissions. For example, the predefined SEARCH action group grants roles permissions to use _search and _msearchAPI.


A role is a combination of permissions and action groups, including operation permissions on clusters, indexes, documents, or fields.

Backend role

(Optional) Other external roles from the backend such as LDAP/Active Directory


A user can send operation requests to Elasticsearch clusters. The user has credentials such as username and password, and zero or multiple backend roles and custom attributes.

Role mapping

A user will be assigned a role after successful authentication. Role mapping is to map a role to a user (or a backend role). For example, the mapping from kibana_user (role) to jdoe (user) means that John Doe obtains all permissions of kibana_user after being authenticated by kibana_user. Similarly, the mapping from all_access (role) to admin (backend role) means that any user with the backend role admin (from the LDAP/Active Directory server) has all the permissions of role all_access after being authenticated. You can map each role to multiple users or backend roles.


You can customize the username, role name, and tenant name in the OpenSearch Dashboards.


  1. Log in to the OpenSearch Dashboards.

    1. Log in to the CSS management console.

    2. In the navigation pane, choose Clusters > OpenSearch.

    3. Choose Clusters in the navigation pane. On the Clusters page, locate the target cluster and click Access Kibana in the Operation column.

    4. Enter the administrator username and password to log in to the OpenSearch Dashboards.

      • Username: admin (default administrator account name)

      • Password: Enter the administrator password you set when creating the cluster in security mode.

        **Figure 1** Logging in to OpenSearch

        Figure 1 Logging in to OpenSearch

  2. Creating a user.

    1. On the OpenSearch Dashboards page, choose Security. The Security page is displayed.

      **Figure 2** Going to the Security page

      Figure 2 Going to the Security page

    2. Choose Internal users on the left. The user creation page is displayed.

      **Figure 3** Creating a user

      Figure 3 Creating a user

    3. Click Create internal user. The user information configuration page is displayed.

    4. In the Credentials area, enter the username and password.

      **Figure 4** Entering the username and password

      Figure 4 Entering the username and password

    5. Click Create. After the user is created, it is displayed in the user list.

      **Figure 5** User information

      Figure 5 User information

  3. Create a role and grant permissions to the role.

    1. Select Roles from the Security drop-down list box.

    2. On the Roles page, click Create role. The role creation page is displayed.

    3. In the Name area, set the role name.

      **Figure 6** Setting a role name

      Figure 6 Setting a role name

    4. On the Cluster Permissions page, set the cluster permission. Set cluster permissions based on service requirements. If this parameter is not specified for a role, the role has no cluster-level permissions.

      **Figure 7** Assigning cluster-level permissions

      Figure 7 Assigning cluster-level permissions

    5. In the Index Permissions area, set the index permission.

      **Figure 8** Setting index permissions

      Figure 8 Setting index permissions

    6. On the Tenant Permissions page, set role permissions.

      **Figure 9** Role permissions

      Figure 9 Role permissions

      After the setting is complete, you can view the created role on the Roles page.

  4. Map a user with a role to bind them.

    1. Select Roles from the Security drop-down list box.

    2. On the Roles page, select the role to be mapped. The role mapping page is displayed.


    3. On the Mapped users tab page, click Map users and select the user to be mapped from the users drop-down list box.


    4. Click Map.

    5. After the configuration is complete, you can check whether the configuration takes effect in OpenSearch Dashboards.