Viewing Basic Information About an Opensearch Cluster

On the basic information page of an Opensearch cluster, you can view the private network address, public network address, version, and node of the cluster.

  1. Log in to the CSS management console.

  2. Choose Clusters > Opensearch. The cluster list page is displayed.

  3. Click a cluster name to go to the Cluster Information page and view the basic information about the cluster.

    Table 1 Basic information




    Cluster Information


    Cluster name. The name can be customized.

    You can click image1 on the right to change the cluster name.


    Unique ID of a cluster, which is automatically generated by the system.

    Each cluster in the same region has a unique ID.


    Cluster version information.

    Cluster Status

    Current status of a cluster

    Task Status

    Current task status of a cluster. If no task is in progress, -- is displayed.


    Time when a cluster was created

    Cluster Storage Capacity (GB)

    Storage capacity of a cluster

    Used Cluster Storage (GB)

    Used storage capacity of a cluster



    Region where a cluster is located


    AZ where a cluster is located


    VPC to which the cluster belongs


    Subnet to which the cluster belongs

    Security Group

    Security group to which a cluster belongs.

    To change the security group of a cluster, click Change Security Group on the right.


    NOTICE: Before changing the security group, ensure that the port 9200 required for service access has been enabled. Incorrect security group configuration may cause service access failures. Exercise caution when performing this operation.

    Security Mode

    Security mode of a cluster.

    • Enabled: The current cluster is a security cluster.

    • Disabled: The current cluster is a non-security cluster.

    Reset Password

    This parameter is displayed only for security clusters.

    Click Reset to change the password of the administrator account admin of the security cluster.


    Requirements for administrator passwords:

    • The password can contain 8 to 32 characters.

    • The password must contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. The following special characters are supported: ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{}];:,<.>/?

    • Do not use the administrator name, or the administrator name spelled backwards.

    • You are advised to change the password periodically.

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project to which a cluster belongs.

    You can click the project name to view the basic information about the enterprise project.

    Public IP Address

    Public network access information, which is displayed only for clusters in security mode.

    • For a security cluster with public network access enabled, the configured public network address is displayed. You can use this address to access the security cluster from the public network.

    • For a security cluster with public network access disabled, -- is displayed.

    When using a public IP address to access a cluster, you are advised to enable access control and configure an access whitelist to improve cluster security. For details about how to configure the public network access, see Accessing a Cluster from a Public Network.

    HTTPS Access

    Indicates whether to enable the HTTPS access protocol for a cluster.

    • Disabled: The HTTP protocol is used for cluster access.

    • Enabled: The HTTPS protocol is used for cluster access. Only security clusters can enable this function. If HTTPS Access is enabled, you can click Download Certificate to obtain the CER security certificate for accessing the security cluster. Currently, the security certificate cannot be used in the public network environment.

    Private IPv4 Address

    Private IP address and port number of a cluster, which can be used to access the cluster. If the cluster has only one node, the IP address and port number of only one node are displayed, for example, If the cluster has multiple nodes, the IP addresses and port numbers of all nodes are displayed, for example,,


    Node Specifications

    Specifications of nodes in a cluster

    Node Storage Type

    Storage capacity and storage type of nodes in a cluster


    Number of nodes in a cluster