Configuring SMN Alarms


By default, CSS has installed the open-source alert plugin opensearch-alerting for OpenSearch clusters to send notifications when data meets specific conditions. This plugin consists of three components: Alerts, Monitors, and Destinations. CSS integrates the SMN service in the Destinations component and can send alarm messages only through the SMN service as the destination.

This section describes how to configure the SMN alarm function for OpenSearch clusters on OpenSearch Dashboards.


For details about the official guide of the plug-in OpenSearch Alerting, visit Alerting - OpenSearch Documentation.

Constraints and Limitations

By default, the open-source alert plug-in opensearch-alerting is installed for OpenSearch clusters of version 1.3.6.



  1. Log in to the CSS management console.

  2. Choose Clusters > OpenSearch, select the target cluster and click Access Kibana in the Operation column.

  3. On the OpenSearch Dashboards page, choose OpenSearch Plugins > Alerting in the navigation tree on the left.

  4. Create an SMN destination to send alert messages.

    1. On the Alerting page, click the Destinations tab and click Add destination to configure destination information.

      Table 1 Destinations parameters




      User-defined destination name


      Retain the default value SMN.


      Select the SMN topic you have created for sending alarm messages.

      **Figure 1** Add destination

      Figure 1 Add destination

    2. Click Create to return to the destination list. The created SMN destination is displayed in the list.

      **Figure 2** Destination list

      Figure 2 Destination list

  5. Create a monitoring task and configure the alarm triggering condition and monitoring frequency.

    1. Click the Monitors tab on the Alerting page and click Create monitor to configure monitoring information.

      Table 2 Monitor parameters



      Monitor details

      Monitor name

      User-defined monitor name

      Monitor type

      Monitor type. The value can be Per query monitor (common monitoring), Per bucket monitor (aggregation bucket monitoring), and Per cluster metrics monitor (cluster metric monitoring).

      Monitor defining method

      Monitor defining method. Extraction query editor is recommended.

      • Visual editor

      • Extraction query editor

      • Anomaly detector

      The options of Monitor defining method are determined by the Monitor type you selected.


      If Monitor defining method is set to Anomaly detector, select an exception detection task.


      Select the monitoring frequency and set the monitoring interval. The options include:

      • By interval

      • Daily

      • Weekly

      • Monthly

      • Custom cron expression

      Data source


      When Monitor defining method is set to Visual editor or Extraction query editor, you need to specify the index to be monitored.

      Time field

      When Monitor defining method is set to Visual editor, you need to specify the time field to define counting parameters such as count.



      When Monitor defining method is set to Visual editor, you need to set the metrics range for extracting statistics.

      Time range for the last

      When Monitor defining method is set to Visual editor, you need to set the monitoring time range for plug-ins.

      Data filter

      When Monitor defining method is set to Visual editor, you need to set filters for data search.

      Group by

      When Monitor defining method is set to Visual editor, you need to specify a field so that each value of the field triggers an alarm.

      Define extraction query

      When Monitor defining method is set to Extraction query editor, you need to enter the query statement to define the monitoring.

      Request type

      When Monitor type is set to Per cluster metrics monitor, you need to specify the request type to monitor cluster metrics, such as the running status and CPU usage.

    2. Click Add trigger to add triggers and specify the alarm triggering conditions and actions to be triggered when an alarm is reported.

    3. On the Triggers page, set the alarm triggering sensitivity and message release on the destination end.

      Table 3 Trigger parameters



      Trigger name

      User-defined trigger name

      Severity level

      Sensitivity of a trigger, that is, the number of alarms that are triggered before an alarm message is sent. 1 indicates the highest sensitivity.

      Trigger condition

      Trigger condition. An alarm is triggered when the trigger condition is hit.

      Action name

      Trigger action name


      Select the SMN destination created in section 4.


      Alarm message body By default, the subject and body are defined when the destination is an email.

      Perform action

      When Monitor type is set to Per bucket monitor, you need to set whether to send alarms in combination. The value can be:

      • Per execution: A combination alarm is sent when multiple alarm triggering conditions are hit.

      • Per alert: Alarms are sent separately when multiple alarm triggering conditions are hit.

      Actionable alerts

      When Monitor type is set to Per bucket monitor, set this parameter to Per alert. You need to set the alarms that can be executed after alarm triggering conditions are hit.

      • De-duplicated: Alarms that have been triggered. OpenSearch retains the existing alarms to prevent the plugin from creating duplicate alarms.

      • New: Newly created alarms.

      • Completed: Alarms that are no longer ongoing.


      Message sending frequency. It limits the number of notification messages can be received in a specified period.

      For example, if this parameter is set to 10 minutes, SMN sends only one alarm notification in the next 10 minutes even if the trigger condition is hit for multiple times. After 10 minutes, SMN sends another alarm notification if the alarm condition is met.

      **Figure 3** Setting the destination of a trigger action

      Figure 3 Setting the destination of a trigger action

    4. Click Send test message. If a subscriber receives an email, as shown in Figure 5, the trigger is configured successfully.

      **Figure 4** Sending a test message

      Figure 4 Sending a test message

      **Figure 5** Email notification

      Figure 5 Email notification

    5. Click Create to return to the monitor details page. The detector is successfully created.