Managing Failed Tasks

In the Failed Tasks dialog box, you can view the failed tasks related to a cluster, such as failing to create, restart, scale out, back up, or restore a cluster. In addition, you can view the failure cause of each task and choose to delete one or all failed tasks.

Viewing Failed Tasks

  1. Log in to the CSS management console.

  2. Click Clusters to switch to the Clusters page. Click the digit next to Failed Tasks to switch to the Failed Tasks dialog box.

  3. The Failed Tasks dialog box presents all failed tasks of the current account. The following information about the failed tasks is displayed: Name/ID, Task Status, and Failure Time.

  4. Click the question mark in the Task Status column to view the failure cause of a task. You are advised to troubleshoot faults based on failure causes. For details about failure causes, see Error Code.

Deleting a Failed Task

You can delete one or all failed tasks at a time.

  • To delete a failed task, perform the following operations: Locate the row that contains the target task and click Delete in the Operation column. In the displayed dialog box, confirm the task you want to delete and click Yes.

  • To delete all failed tasks, perform the following operations: In the Failed Tasks dialog box, click Delete All. In the displayed dialog box, confirm the information about all failed tasks and click Yes.

**Figure 1** Deleting a failed task

Figure 1 Deleting a failed task

Error Code

Table 1 Failure causes

Error Code

Failure Cause



Failed to create the cluster because of an internal error. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.

Please try again later or contact customer service.


Failed to scale out the cluster because of an internal error. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.


Failed to restart the cluster because of an internal error. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.


Failed to restore the cluster because of an internal error. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.


Failed to create the node because of ECS exceptions (<ECS error code>). Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.


<ECS error code> indicates the error information reported by ECS. For details about the cause and solution, see ECS Error Code Description.


Failed to initialize the service because of an internal error. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.


Failed to create the snapshot because of an internal error. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.


Failed to create the snapshot because the OBS bucket you select does not exist or has been deleted.

Modify the OBS bucket.


Failed to restore the snapshot because the OBS bucket you select does not exist or has been deleted.


Failed to restore the snapshot because the OBS object does not exist or has been deleted.