Monitoring OBS Operations

To clearly display the operations of the storage and compute decoupling plugin in OBS, the real-time OBS rate metric is added to CSS and recorded in the system index.


This feature is available in Elasticsearch clusters of versions 7.6.2 and 7.10.2 and OpenSearch clusters created after March 2023.


GET _frozen_stats/obs_rate API

  • Calculation method: The average OBS operation rate in the last 5 seconds is calculated every 5 seconds.

  • Example request:

    GET _frozen_stats/obs_rate
    GET _frozen_stats/obs_rate/{nodeId}

    {nodeId} indicates the ID of the node whose OBS operation rate you want to query.

  • Example response:

       "_nodes" : {
         "total" : 1,
         "successful" : 1,
         "failed" : 0
       "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
       "nodes" : {
         "dflDvcSwTJ-fkiIlT2zE3A" : {
           "name" : "node-1",
           "transport_address" : "",
           "host" : "",
           "ip" : "",
           "update_time" : 1671777600482,                            // Time when the current statistics are updated.
           "obs_rate" : {
             "list_op_rate" : 0.0,                                   // Rate of OBS list operations. Unit: times/s.
             "get_meta_op_rate" : 0.0,                               // Rate of OBS get meta operations. Unit: times/s.
             "get_obj_op_rate" : 0.0,                                // Rate of OBS get operations. Unit: times/s.
             "put_op_rate" : 0.0,                                    // Rate of OBS put operations. Unit: times/s.
             "obs_total_op_rate" : 0.0,                              // Rate of all OBS operations. The unit is times/s.
             "obs_upload_rate" : "0.0 MB/s",                         // Data upload rate of OBS, in MB/s.
             "obs_download_rate" : "0.0 MB/s"                        // Data download rate of OBS, in MB/s.

System Index

  • System index name:

  • Example: .freeze_obs_rate-2023.01.23


    The default retention period of indexes is 30 days.

Configuration Item

Configuration Item



Can Be Dynamically Modified






The retention period of the index.

  • Value range: 1d to 365d

  • Default value: 30d

  • Unit: day

For example, run the following command to modify the retention period of the index:

PUT _cluster/settings
   "persistent": {
     "low_cost.obs_rate_index.evict_time":  "7d"