Creating a cluster
Querying the Cluster List
Querying Cluster Details
Deleting a Cluster
Renaming a Cluster
Changing the Password of a Cluster
Restarting a Cluster
Scaling Out a Cluster
Adding Instances and Expanding Instance Storage Capacity
Changing Specifications
Obtaining the Instance Specifications List
Querying All Tags
Querying Tags of a Specified Cluster
Adding Tags to a Cluster
Deleting a Cluster Tag
Adding or Deleting Cluster Tags in Batches
Scaling In a Cluster by Removing a Specific Node
Changing the Specifications of a Specified Node Type
Scaling In Nodes of a Specific Type
Downloading a Security Certificate
Replacing a Node
Configuring the Security Mode.
Adding Independent Masters and Clients
Upgrading a Cluster Kernel
Obtaining a Target Image ID
Obtaining Upgrade Details
Retrying a Failed Upgrade Task
Changing the Security Group
Changing the AZ of a Cluster Instance
Creating a Cluster (V2)
Restarting a Cluster (V2)
Rolling Restart