Creating an Alarm Rule

Cloud Eye allows you to use alarm templates to create alarm rules, making it easy and convenient to add or modify alarm rules for resources or cloud services, especially for a large number of resources and cloud services.

You can create alarm rules for CBR.

Creating an Alarm Rule Using Cloud Eye

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. In the upper left corner of the page, click image1 and select a region.

  3. Under Management & Deployment, select Cloud Eye. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Rules.

  4. On the displayed page, click Create Alarm Rule in the upper right corner.

  5. On the displayed Create alarm rule page, configure the parameters.

    1. Set Name and Description.

      Parameters for configuring the rule name and description



      Example Value


      Name of the alarm rule. The system generates a random name, which you can modify.



      Alarm rule description. This parameter is optional.


    2. Configure alarm content parameters.

      • If you select Cloud Backup and Recovery for Resource Type, vaults are monitored with two metrics. Table 1 describes the parameters.

        Table 1 Parameters



        Example Value

        Resource Type

        Cloud Backup and Recovery is selected in this example.

        Cloud Backup and Recovery


        Monitoring dimension. By default, monitoring is performed by vault.


        Monitoring Scope

        Specific resources is preset by default. Choose the vaults you want to monitor from the list.



        You can create an alarm rule by using the template or manually creating it.


        If you set Monitoring Scope to Specific resources, you can set Method to Use template.

        Use template


        Template to be used.


        Alarm Policy

        Policy for triggering an alarm.

        If you set Resource Type to a specific cloud service, the alarm policy takes effect periodically. If you set Resource Type to Event Monitoring, the alarm policy takes effect based on specific events. Alarm policy can be set for different data usage and consecutive periods generated event 5 minutes up to one day.

        Currently, the following CBR monitoring metrics are supported:

        • Vault Usage

        • Used Vault Size


        Alarm Severity

        Alarm severity, which can be Critical, Major, Minor, or Informational.


    3. Configure alarm notifications.

      Table 2 Parameters for configuring alarm notifications



      Example Value

      Alarm Notification

      Whether to notify users when alarms are triggered. Notifications can be sent by email or text message, or through HTTP/HTTPS request to servers.

      You can enable (recommended) or disable Alarm Notification.


      Notification Window

      Cloud Eye sends notifications only within the notification window specified in the alarm rule.

      If Notification Window is set to 00:00-8:00, Cloud Eye sends alarm notifications only within 00:00-8:00.


      Notification Object

      The name of the topic the alarm notification is to be sent to.

      If you enable alarm notification, you need to select a topic. If no desirable topics are available, create one and subscribe to it first. For details about how to create a topic, see the Simple Message Notification User Guide.


      Trigger Condition

      The condition for triggering the alarm notification. You can select Generated alarm, Cleared alarm, or both.


    4. Click Create.

After the alarm rule is created, if the metric data reaches the specified threshold or a CBR event happens, Cloud Eye immediately informs you that an exception has occurred. For details, see the Cloud Eye User Guide.