Logging In to a BMS Using an SSH Key Pair


This section describes how to log in to a Linux BMS using an SSH key pair from a Windows or Linux PC.


  • The BMS must be in Running state.

  • You have obtained the private key file used during BMS creation.

  • You have bound an EIP to the BMS. For details, see Binding an EIP to a BMS.

  • You have configured the inbound rules of the security group. For details, see Adding Security Group Rules.

  • The network connection between the login tool (such as PuTTY) and the target BMS is normal. For example, the default port 22 is not blocked by the firewall.

Logging In to the Linux BMS from a Windows PC

You can use the following methods to log in to a Linux BMS from a local PC running Windows:

Method 1: Use PuTTY to log in to the BMS.

Before logging in to the BMS using PuTTY, ensure that the private key file has been converted to .ppk format.

  1. Check whether the private key file has been converted to .ppk format.

    • If yes, go to step 7.

    • If no, go to step 2.

  2. Visit the following website and download PuTTY and PuTTYgen:



    PuTTYgen is a private key generator, which is used to create a key pair that consists of a public key and a private key for PuTTY.

  3. Run PuTTYgen.

  4. In the Actions area, click Load and import the private key file that you stored when creating the BMS.

    Ensure that the private key file is in the format of All files (*.*).

  5. Click Save private key.

  6. Save the converted private key, for example, kp-123.ppk, to your local PC.

  7. Double-click PUTTY.EXE. The PuTTY Configuration page is displayed.

    **Figure 1** PuTTY Configuration

    Figure 1 PuTTY Configuration

  8. Choose Connection > Data. Enter the image username in Auto-login username.


    Contact the operation administrator to obtain the image username.

  9. Choose Connection > SSH > Auth. In the last configuration item Private key file for authentication, click Browse and select the .ppk private key in step 6.

  10. Choose Session and enter the EIP of the BMS in the box under Host Name (or IP address).

  11. Click Open.

    Log in to the BMS.

Method 2: Use Xshell to log in to the BMS.

  1. Start the Xshell tool.

  2. Run the following command to remotely log in to the BMS through SSH:

    ssh Username@EIP


    ssh root@

  3. (Optional) If the system displays the SSH Security Warning dialog box, click Accept & Save.

  4. Select Public Key and click Browse beside the user key text box.

  5. In the user key dialog box, click Import.

  6. Select the locally stored key file and click Open.

  7. Click OK to log in to the BMS.

Logging In to the Linux BMS from a Linux PC

Perform the following operations to log in to a Linux BMS from a local PC running Linux: The following procedure uses private key file KeyPair-ee55.pem as an example to describe how to log in to the BMS.

  1. On the Linux CLI, run the following command to change operation permissions:

    chmod 400 /path/KeyPair-ee55


    In the preceding command, path refers to the path under which the key file is stored.

  2. Run the following command to log in to the BMS:

    ssh -i /path/KeyPair-ee55 xxx@EIP of the BMS


    • In the preceding command, path refers to the path under which the key file is stored.

    • xxx indicates the username of the BMS image. Contact the operation administrator to obtain the username.